
Republicans really have embraced hatred of the military in a big way.

Well, to be fair, Putler isn’t much of a Commie, either. Commies at least pretended to care about the commonfolk. That bald sack of rat droppings doesn’t even bother with that.

Isn’t this site about cars?

The light cycle can be different in these situations. There is a period of time for the pedestrians and then a period of time when the pedestrians cannot cross even though there is a green light for the vehicle traffic in the same direction. But it can be hard to figure out when to do that pattern.

The problem in NYC is that when the light turns green, the Walk light also comes on for pedestrians. Every day I see the “no turn on red” causing additional car/pedestrian issues here.

As someone who drives, walks, and bicycles in NYC, 100% this. If drivers had any sense at all we should let them/us turn right on red, so as to avoid having to slowly push through all the pedestrians who are walking on green.

There is a massive longitudinal study from NHTSA that concluded that RTOR accidents are such a small percentage of accidents that they probably don’t warrant changing current laws.   The study you cite shows “an improvement” but IMO, it’s numbers that matter.   The NHTSA study showed similar but they warranted it to

So You’re arguing that the same police that currently aren’t enforcing existing traffic laws like failure to yield to pedestrians will start enforcing new laws against turning right on red regardless of if there are any pedestrians in sight?

The only place I’ve seen where banning right-on-red makes sense is where visibility is a problem. I used to live near a freeway exit that was just after the crest of a freeway overpass, and you couldn’t see what was coming towards you until they got close to the traffic light, so turning right on red was rightly

I feel like we don’t discuss the merits of roundabouts enough. Where I live there’s a very busy intersection near a large outdoor mall that has a roundabout, and there’s NEVER any traffic issues.

A sign that says, “no turn on red” and a traffic camera go a long ways in changes behaviors. 

I would hope that failure to yield to pedestrians is already a ticketable offense.

Ha ha... F You.

Yeah, this. The problem is that the laws that already exist to protect pedestrians and bikers aren’t enforced. At all. In my county the only solution to people running past stopped school buses was to put red-light style cameras on the side of school buses. In one month, one!, they handed out more than 500 tickets.

Hold on one second. If you had a green light to walk, that means the through traffic also had a green light. And the right turner also had a greenlight to turn right without stopping.

For the majority of the US, banning right on red is a silly, and impractical idea.

I would settle for people stopping while making a right turn on red. In LA, or at least the part Ilive in, its rare that someone will stop before making a right turn on red. Just full on roll through the light and enter traffic.

Somewhat off topic: Are cyclists supposed to follow the road and traffic signal or the sidewalk and crosswalk?

In downtowns, sure, but in the suburbs it makes no sense to NOT have the ability to turn right on red.

Normally, I’d agree. But it seems like this article is yet another anti-car hit piece from this supposedly driving orientated magazine. Why do you hate cars and driving so much, Jalopnik?