We once asked our readers which they felt more strongly about, a speedy frame rate or a higher video resolution. The…
We once asked our readers which they felt more strongly about, a speedy frame rate or a higher video resolution. The…
I would like to see the ability to DISABLE KINECT GESTURES.
Oh shit, They finally implemented Specular Shading!
Given the huge pain that Matt Kraus, author of Social Fixer, has just undergone, I'm kinda surprised that the authors of ABP would risk litigation with Facebook. Matt was able to negotiate keeping most of the features of SFX so that FB still isn't as annoying as the unfiltered site but now ABP is jumping into the…
If you play games on PC, there's a good chance you use a graphics processing unit (GPU) built around technology from…
You know, I think the rumors we've been hearing about EA trying to muscle Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft into this DRM nightmare are more than ever likely to have been the truth, and Microsoft were the only ones dumb enough to buy into it. Today, just about everything EA announced is coming to Xbox One first—clearly,…
This for me.
Microsoft rode in on a golden lion carried by the slimiest publishing executives. They then announced that they don't really give two shits about consumers or indie devs.
Earlier I expressed concern with Sony's silence on the DRM issues. Fearing it was a sign they were taking the same route and were letting Microsoft carry the weight of the initial reaction.