I feel like the secret service probably ignored millions of threats against Obama, I have no proof but I feel it in my gut.
I feel like the secret service probably ignored millions of threats against Obama, I have no proof but I feel it in my gut.
She said that to indicate that she doesn’t CARE. She probably knows damn well what those cards are, but she’s letting us know she thinks younginz are stupid for liking them. xD
Hey now...
The only music festival that should come to the slumtowns i make in cities skylines is one featuring smash mouth.
How would one shame someone for ideas they are proud of? That is like a communist trying to shame a capitalist for being pro-wealth. Since shame is internal, you can’t actually shame someone unless they believe what they did is shameful.
Easy as that, huh?
Yes. It’s also just another Uncharted game with beautiful vistas, fleshed out characters, a compelling story and a photo mode that lets you do winky faces!
love too use the logo of a sports team known for its foreign-born superstars to be the symbol of my anti-immigration movement
“Will games like Battlegrounds prepare people like me to better survive The Fall?”
I’m assuming they based their lifestyle on this::
As a 32 year old, I could not date a 22 year old, but I don’t know if it’s creep territory. Though I do think CGM is more of an adult than Aaron Carter. Run, Chloe!
Why do you keep mentioning billionaires when the tax is on people earning 500K or more?
I think the idea is that poor sportsmanship should disqualify them from competing any further. Which, I dunno, I’m probably OK with that. One thing the world could certainly do without is further generations of hyper-competitive jerks.
Also, don’t look around!
It’s because I grew up in Chicago that I seek out other city’s subway systems to see what they’re like. I welcome seeing how people act on the subway in different cities, what they cars looks like, what kind of trash they have there, whatever. If there’s a choice between taking an Uber or riding some city’s subway,…
Early Access, enough said. These are betas, and stuff like this should be expected.
uhhh - liberals forced lower-class southern voters to make bad choices?
He actually did get a call from the HOF but it was dropped
At least they got Rafael AT&T’s name right.