Companies just don’t get it.
Companies just don’t get it.
“If the Trump presidency has done anything for this country, it has emboldened racists and made them feel as though they don’t have to hide anymore. So, now, we get these racist videos with people showing their faces and their real attitudes.”
Great now look what you started. The bad puns are flowing now. I hope people pickup their pun game.
Any gaming site or gamer that is not calling out bad behavior and looking for ways to improve the gaming industry and it’s culture simply does not give a shit about the gaming industry and culture.
I also recommend two stage authentication on any site that has it. Whenever an attempt to log into your account is made you will get a message on your phone asking if this is you and a number to enter into the site to allow access. I play a few MMOs and one of them gets a hack attempt every few months and they cant…
you can google dollar to yen or yen to dollar.
Chicago is hard to do because every area is so different. Chicago can feel more like a bunch of smaller towns pressed up against each other rather then one big city. You really can walk a few blocks and be in a completely different world.
Agreed. I really hope they can get a system more like NBA,NFL, MLB, etc. One city were everyone plays would make this a very boring league to be a fan of.
This is 100% something I think they should change. It should be much more clear that it a marketplace purchase.
I think you have to try to keep counterfeit products off your site. If you never see the product it’s hard to be sure about it. Amazon Market is a lot like Ebay, they never see the product and they never touch the product. They can only tell the seller not to put fake stuff on the site but they have no way to 100%…
The statues are for sale on Amazon, They are expensive but most are not quite as much as I thought they would be.
Amazon market place is different from Amazon. You are buying from a 3rd party but using Amazon’s network to make the sale. Not to say that Amazon shouldn’t take some of the blame.
I’m sure Trump worked with EA to sale them to Norway via loot crate.
This is still just Presale tickets. We have to wait and see if it can sell lots of tickets day of. However I think Black Panther will do really well. $150 Million opening weekend is my number right now.
White women are mad at men for not treating them as equals yet they are 100% unwilling to treat minority women as equals. Equality means EVERYONE is treated equally. You are either for equality or you are not. As soon as you say you want equality for your group but don’t push for it for others you lose all credibility…
you get to pay the power bill.
Trump proudly picks T-Rex to run of The Department of Gallimimus Protection.