
Well done you get a

Really all Sony has to do Tomorrow is announce PS4 Pro is now down to $349. Even if it is a more powerful machine a $150 price gap would be to much to win people over.

So they gave the console a name that a 14 year old shooter player might give themselves.......... XboxoneX

Not to take away from how horrible this is but the US has it’s own slave built buildings as well. Including both the White House and the U.S. Capital Building.

To be fair it is Florida. Bat shit crazy dangerous to the rest of us is just a normal Saturday in Florida.

Don’t punish IO9 for the bullshit people leave i n the comments.

21 ads in this post. And they wonder why people use ad blockers.

Nigga is the word they use in songs and it has a very different meaning from nigger.

I fucking want one. NOW

Correct sorry left the “not” out. I would think they would be all over that kind of technology.

I really cant understand why Apple is all about wireless charging. I put my Samsung on a pad and walk away no cord to plug in drop and go. I bought a couple of them a put them in different spots around desk, night stand etc.

wow. I hope you get 911 stars for this.

They are trying to figure out how to sue all the others. Somehow Amazon created time travel and used it to steal this tech from Apple.

That is something NASA should really consider. If you make it look cool who cares that your stroking his ego. Make it cool and get that money. Use the money to further science.

Honestly I think NASA would get more funding if their equipment looked cooler. I get that form over function is normally a negative thing but when it comes to getting people excited and willing to put money into a project, looking cool does a good job.

The perfect companion for our sad Keanu figure.

“Spicy now claims that the president’s tweets are official statements from the president and should be treated as such.”

Might as well go ahead and admit that having an education is something they don’t wan’t people to have. Knowing your rights, speaking multiple languages, science, etc.

Why couldn’t they get out? Did the emergency door release not work? Well I assume NYC trains have them anyway.

Way to step up. I hope you are but the first of many. Good Luck to you.