
Dom-Fast and Furious-Furyan-Riddick

no. We should not ever pretend that hate and it’s supporters are around. Love harder love more but don’t ever turn a blind eye to those that are causing pain and suffering. It just tells them that you don’t care if they do those things. You need it to be clear that you stand against them.

China has nukes too.

You wont cheat people? Well then how are you going to get money for Game of War????

yes but somehow Apple will sue and win over having “inventing” it.

Bottom right bro.

Im pretty surprised that she was not seen as the main character. I haven’t watched the show in awhile but for the first two seasons at least she was the main focus of most episodes that I remember.

“ but damn it I want an hour of Obama every night”

You keep your voodoo, witchcraft to yourself heathen.

“ Hey all closing this account because it hit 50 million. Here’s the link to my new account. Come sign up.”

Now playing

I wanted to play the game a year ago but as a PC/ Playstation owner. I was thrown under the bus by Crystal Dynamics. And I will show my petty vengeance by not buying this game till it is $15 or less.

I get were your coming from but If you want to make a real difference, then your focusing on the wrong thing.

I feel really bad for the 46th President. They will have so much shit to fix.

You have the channel but the movie has deemed you unworthy of witnessing it’s greatness....but don’t feel bad. Very few are worthy..

It was an honest mistake. Please don’t tote out this kind of mean spirited comment. It’s a difficult burden to shoulder. Now please carry on in peace.

Not a chance. The Pizza fight is between Chicago and New York City. Everyone else needs to stay out of it.

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Buy this book. It’s one of the best I have ever read.

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possession of stolen property still gets you locked up.