
“He was set to be the groomsman in the wedding of one of his closest friends, the source said, and texted the day before he couldn’t attend.”

I hope this is not true but it sounds like someone (girlfriend maybe?) is tricking him into cutting off all the other people in his life in order to isolate him and have total control over him and/or his money.

While I agree with you about watching the NBA over the NFL, I can’t agree that the NBA talent is at an all time high. The 90s NBA would walk all over the current NBA.

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No playlist about rebelling is worth it without.

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Just heard this guy for the first time yesterday.

Well I hear they only use one ingredient.

Why you mad??

we know that. What they are asking is if the frame rate is high enough for the game to play smoothly. Almost anyone can make their Skyrim look like the ones in the pictures. The problems come from being able to keep the frame rate high enough that you can play the game while it looks like that.

Why did he stop playing football and try to eat that guy’s ass? Save that shit for the locker room during halftime.

I would guess that it would be pretty clear weeks or even a few months before that the game was not going to come out on time. So depending on when they sold and how much they sold compared to what they have done in the past. ( example they never sold more then a few dozen stock at any one time in the past but all of

Getting wasted by age range:

OK Trump won. Get over it. That does not mean that we lose the right to stand up for what we believe in. Write your aldermen, mayor, governor, senator, congressmen. Tell them what you want them doing. Go work with neighborhood organizations to help keep or create the programs you want in your city, town, village.

It’s going to be interesting to see how supportive of “State Rights” republicans are going to be when some states go against what they want. I expect NY, California and Illinois to come under fire a lot.

They are taking pictures of it so they can use them again as they need. So not so different really.......

I have a question. Will Obama’s POTUS account get renamed and stay with him or does it get handed over to Trump and become a weird mix of old Obama comments along with whatever Trump tweets out?

He can mock all he wants. He won both of his contest.

The Cubs won the World Series and io9 has a story about mysterious pings from the arctic seafloor. Has the apocalypse come? Are we doomed? Will Trump grab any more pussy before the end of days?

The team not so much but the fans are fair game..... It’s always OK to hate Cubs fans.