
If you mean just the stuff that’s free with prime membership then you go

Dude this meeting was wicked productive. We are totally adjouradid bro.

$90 worth of drinks at a bar will let you get to see a real girl without clothes.

I think it’s that he seems to enjoy playing the game. People seem to forget that sports is really just a bunch of rich people playing for whatever even richer owner will pay them the most and they often act like it.

Pretty weak. Something you might hear a kindergartner call someone. I would say it would be about the same as calling someone a big goodyhead.

mulatto- person of mixed white and black ancestry, especially a person with one white and one black parent.

what if your poop talks to you in a friendly British accent?

“I don’t see what you did there.”

Counterpoint: Free Beer

I think we can root for the team while giving it’s fans as much shit as possible.

If you want to see drunk 20 year old women pooping and vomiting in alleys while wearing stained mini skirts and cocktail dresses and missing one of their high heel shoes, then Wrigleyville is for you.

I remember people calling it “Tossing Salad” a few years ago.

These were the only parts poor mainly minority people had to eat so they got very good at using herbs and spices to make those parts taste better. Now that more people are being more diverse with there food choices, they are finding these foods to be really good when made right.

You can have your bank do a “stop payment”. If the payment has not been sent (listed as pending) your bank can and often will cancel it.

As a life long White Sox fan I have to say that I may never get along with Cubs fans but the Cubs team is a lot of fun to watch.

It would be an insult to the black person and racist toward white people. It’s is pretty much saying that doing or saying things white people would do or say is a bad thing.

but he still  managed to get injured.

Airhorns are always out of place in songs.

Thanks for this. I am registered and voted in 2012 but for some reason I am listed as inactive. I highly recommend checking your status even if you know your registered.

I’m tired of this election. Can we vote now and get this shit over with? I really don’t want to do this for another month. I can’t take it any more.