
This seems like a complex issue, I’m going to take some time to digest what I have read before I make a comment.

Albums going Diamond used to happen pretty often in the 70's and 80's it crashed hard in the 90's and is all but unheard of now.

This is what grown ups do. They dont have to be political allies, or even have to like each other to still show some respect for each other.

Or pissed that they cant get women.

Now playing

They figured out that everyone is equally worthless.

There can only be one Prince Prettyman. 

It would do very well on a Sony Machine.

Well that’s odd. I spent all my years in high school trying to play with the girls.............

They have a response on their Facebook page.

“We want to teach our men that honor of ladies is just not in sports.”

I should not be alive. I was once in the back of a hatchback on the expressway with the back open.

Well done. You get a star.

One thing that im curious about. He is on a baseball team that i assume has black players on it. Does he just not even give a shit about his own teammates? I would also be very nerous walking around the locker room after saying shit like that.

The resturant in my building just got digital menus. They are very basic touch screen tablets that show pictures of the food and other random stuff that gets programed into them. The best thing about them is that its very easy to change the language on them and they have allot of language options.

Fuck now im hungry. I love Chicago thin crust pizza.

To be fair Illinois is only blue because of Chicago, and thank goodness for it. Leave the city and drive a few miles south and shit starts getting real scary.

Now playing

Well now all i can think of is rhis scene from Mr ans Mrs Smith.

I would say that if they want this to work then in order to be a “YouTube Hero”, YouTube must have your real life name and contact info. They should speak to you on the phone at a non burner phone number. If it remains anonymous then it will turn into another tool that trolls will use to hurt people.

Great video. I also really like this channel and subscribed. Thanks.