
It’s cute how they still think there will be a 2020 games after what will happen in Rio.

I always try to do something or buy something fun for myself every month. I wouldn’t mind being a rich old man but it wont be at the expense of living a fun and interesting life while young.

What about pokestops? i wonder if it tracks distance based on a combination of GPS and the distance between pokestops that you swipe on.


I want the movie to be about a bunch of people dressed in Pokemon cosplay but believing and acting as if they are really Pokemon. Come on Japan. I know you would do this. I believe in you.

Very nice setup. I have a similar case and desk, but my desk is black tempered glass instead of wood and my case is an all black NZXT Phantom. I also have a lot more junk on it but I would likely clean it up a bit for a picture.

be it 12/31 full or 19/31 empty your still drinking a tall glass of shit.

Just do you Japan. Dont ever stop.

God is love and would never hate anything. However God does love everything else in creation more then the Cardinals.

hell pretty sure every other finalist location for 2016 would be able to host the Olympics with even this late of a notice better then Rio can.


I kinda want to go to SDCC but my main reason for going would be the same for other comic cons; to dig in boxes looking for deals on comics. Is SDCC good for this or has the pop culture part killed off the comic book collecting part?

WARNING the link sends you to a set that cost $75 the $39 one is sold out but if you look on the right you can put an order in for that version whenever it is back.

WARNING the link sends you to a set that cost $75 the $39 one is sold out but if you look on the right you can put

Why not just leave him? The relationship is pretty much ruined already If you have to go through all this just to make sure he is not cheating.

I had a class in college back in the late 90's called the “Psychology of Advertising”.

CNN (of all places) had a story about this back in February.

I had an s4 and “upgraded” to the S6. Losing the SD card has given me serious pause about continuing to use Samsung in the future. I know the S7 brought back the SD slot but the fact they got rid of it in the first place has left a bad taste in my mouth for the company.