
Sometimes you need that sort of graphic headline. People need to see what happens. I have noticed that it’s far easier to look the other way and continue drinking Starbucks while pretend that something didn’t happen if the event is down played too much.

I made the mistake of Googling “Baghdad victims names” to try to find a list for this event only to find lots of list of victim names from lots of bombings in that area. I can’t even imagine living life like that. I know bad things can happen anywhere but being blown up while shopping and eating and enjoying life just

So nobody wants to say anything about the little naked boy that they guy’s hand is resting very high up the thigh of? I feel like we need to talk about this a little.

I didn’t haggle any this month but I did recently find out that a comic book I haggled down to $30 instead of $40 back in 2004 or 2005 is now worth around $400. So yay.

Eye see what you did there

How do they get their numbers? A google search for Chicago beer garden brings up more then 5.

My name is Arya Stark.. I want you to know that. The last thing you are ever going to see is a Stark smiling down at you as you die.

Now playing

Sorry but it’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw the headline.

I want all of you to think long and hard about this before answering.

Closest I came to this was when a friend of mine was getting an award and the ceremony was held in one of the rooms at Soldier Field in Chicago. While waiting for the Ceremony to start me and her figured out that the doors leading to the field were not locked and me and her ran around in the bleachers and down toward

I think it would be amazing if there was a kid in the first episode but they were blown up or stepped on during the first attack and the Autobots talked about how fragile the humans are and that they have no business being in the middle of this war. Something along the lines of “ We will protect them but getting to

He was using sarcasm. You missed it.

Fun Facts:

Police station lobby is my go to.

If your selling something light enough to carry. Offer to meet at a police station or other highly public and busy location.

“and their mothers work multiple jobs.”

To be fair I’m going to make some “Free Bell” tees and coffee mugs. Not because I support her but hey why not snatch some of that sweet sweet racist cash.

This is a tough one. On one hand they do have a right to protect their art. However this will only benefit the most popular artist. Most bands are better off getting their music out into the world any way possible and then getting popular enough that venues want to book them for live concerts. (which pay much better).