
So, his statement is basically that, as a musician, he has a position of power over his fans that makes sexual encounters, even initiated by them, non-consensual. He is saying that musicians, like teachers, bosses, or others in positions of authority, cannot have sex with normal people (or those subordinate to them).

I’m not sure what these allegations are either or what “sexual coercion” entails.

After reading his statement, I don’t even know what the hell this is suppose to be exactly.

The Bill Clinton thing has been a major act of mental gymnastics though. It’s hard for politicians to say we need to believe the victims when they do the opposite for him.

This is nice and all, but it comes off as a ‘well he was not awful to us’ defense.

Louis CK sexually abused multiple women.

Louis CK sexually abused multiple women.

The “girl” isn’t a source for this story. It’s just the police report, in which the woman isn’t unidentified.

In this case pedantry comes across like support for the accused.

an agreement under duress isn’t an agreement.

You’re right. I was being a bit glib in saying he did it without her permission rather than he hounded her in private by themselves and repeatedly insisted they do a kiss and then “We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and

Says you don’t want to belittle the story, and then you just go ahead and do that. Look at the context? Okay. He kissed her without her permission. He later took a picture where he pantomimed groping her while she was asleep. As a “joke”.

Fuck. Off.

I love Riverdale’s absurdity, but this episode was too much for me. Possibly my least favorite so far. They established a bunch of facts, then demolished them all within less than an hour (or a couple of days on the show?). Betty believes the killer follows her every move, and even knows about her private

I mean, getting into the prison in Riverdale has to be like finding an exit in Arkham Asylum: easy to an uncomfortable degree.

The problem is that CinemaSins’ approach is easily taken seriously by, for example, children. When I realized that my eight-year-old kept watching their videos, I had to sit down with him and explain why their form of “criticism” is horseshit. I don’t really think we want people growing up with the idea that what

I don’t know, his “Russia is leaking this” one was pretty rough.

Brandon Sanderson is the worst. I am constantly flummoxed by his popularity. Yes, he has some creative ideas when it comes to world- and mythology-building...but, oof, the prose and dialogue.

Because it’s all about the time you have spent not the person. It’s part of the same thing that gave Clinton the mindset that the presidency should go to her because it was “her time” It’s some kind of fucked up version of tenure that long time politicians have that makes them think just because they have shuffled

As a senator from Delaware — a corporate tax haven where the financial industry is one of the state’s largest employers — Biden was one of the key proponents of the 2005 legislation that effectively prevents the $150 billion worth of private student debt from being discharged, rescheduled or renegotiated as other

It bothers me that we’ve let this idea become normalized. “Deport undocumented immigrants that commit crimes.” But why? We don’t deport citizens that commit these crimes. That’s not the statutory punishment. The only difference is that these people were born in one physical location, and these people were born in