
I mean, it’s great he fessed up, but since when in our system has saying sorry been an acceptable price to pay for an assault of this (or any nature)? He should offer compensation. He should volunteer. He should make an earnest attempt to atone for his behavior.

I don’t know it seems a little disingenuous to ignore that he denied the rumours for years, so he couldn’t have been that remorseful.

This is the best possible statement he could release, in that he’s still just as much a piece of shit as he was yesterday. Which is a lot, but at the very least he didn’t go “oh they’re lying” or “I was drunk...and now I’m gay!”

not really about sex

Per the Times: “Ms. Notaro said she learned of his reputation after they sold the series to Amazon.”

Everyone knows comedy improves when you chop it up and put it in a montage.

They also apparently refused to share a stage with drag performers.

I don’t remember the hyenas being homophobic though....

It’s gotten to the point that anyone could write his diatribes.

Once again I have to applaud this show for having the focus to plan out a clear series trajectory with a definite structure....including a definitive end. Way too many shows just let things drag on until they get cancelled against their will. These guys went the opposite way. Good stuff.

Please, please, let us stop normalizing these two Presidents. The failures and ideological policies of W were vast, and they did lead to an untenable situation for Obama in the first years of his term. HW was not much better; when he was the head of the CIA, he negotiated the Iran hostage situation so that it would

I guess ‘W’ stands for “woke” now.

Fuck your priorities

*sees a film about the generational trauma of meaningless war* wow mansplaining much

Liberal criticisms of capitalism don’t seem to say capitalism as a whole is bad, they usually say something like “capitalism’s just bad NOW, it just has to be refined.”

The neurosis required for a spoiled kid in NYC to link their sex life to which racist criminal wins an election is probably too nauseating and horrifying for the sane among us to enjoy

And it’s Netflix. Not like they have to schedule a show into a seasonal lineup, or anything. Streaming should in theory allow for a d encourage nontraditional formats, otherwise what’s the point?Although I imagine episode numbers have more to do with internal Netflix or Marvel politics or union demands or something

The Defenders was only eight episodes and still had those problems though, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Like I said in another response - civil rights, abortion, and gay marriage aren’t the sum of all political activity that matters in the US. People gotta eat. People need shelter.

There’s nothing that would have prevented the Senate from not holding hearings over a Clinton SC nomination. The Republican majority in the Senate have demonstrated their willingness to destroy the entire country so they get their way. What makes you think they wouldn’t have kicked out a bench appointment the second a