
Look, I’m going to attempt to explain this to you, since you clearly have some kind of personal hang-up about hugs.

Yes, because being anti-sexual harassment is going to be a killer in the 2020 Dem primary or versus Trump

I think if one out of two major political parties decides they’re ok with pedophilia, I’d rather the other one not follow suit.

He should just resign. He will be replaced by another Minnesota Democrat. Yes, it sucks that a popular and nationally prominent figure like Franken had to go, but that ship sailed when he grabbed things he wasn’t supposed to. Everything he does from this point on would be tainted anyway, even if he stayed.

To me, insisting that multiple credible accusations of sexual misconduct render one unfit to serve in the Senate seems like the exact opposite of surrendering.

Not all Democratic men should resign, just the ones that think sexual imposition is okay.

I don’t know why the Democrat Minnesota governor would appoint a Republican pervert to take the seat though.

I think what I most want from UTU2TM is for them to get guests back. I love Scott & Scott, but the all-time greatest moments of the show always involved guests, namely PFT and Todd Glass.

As Sean put it when Lauren was on Hollywood Handbook: “I had this really unique, specific experience where I was watching all the most popular shit back then”

They can go back in time and launch drone strikes at weddings throughout history.

We should consider the horrifying reality that, to most Americans, “the homelessness problem” does not refer to the suffering of the people who are living on the streets; rather, it consists of the inconvenience of having to look at them.

It’s not really a secret. Cities have also been putting retractable spikes on porches and stairways to prevent homeless people from sleeping there at night.

Really? The new system doesn’t work? Pretty much every single one of the men accused has copped to doing exactly what they were accused of doing. Of course they try to minimize, diminish or cast some doubt but that’s damage control because of the possibility of civil litigation.

All I will say is that five to ten seconds is a long time, which is precisely why Kemplin is clearly so upset and why she presumably doesn’t think it was simply an accident.

Yes, we should go back to the old system where accusations of sexual assault were routinely dismissed and swept under the rug and serial rapists were allowed to work with impunity for decades, because that was working out great for everyone involved. But by all means, let’s further indulge the myth that women make up

If this is in earnest, I’m sorry.

I am totally on board with believing women but” 

If you grope enough random women without consent eventually you’ll honk the tit of one with shitty political beliefs

Side note:

Ok, are we done pretending he’s defensible now?