
Everything associated with Vox is neoliberal rubbish designed for moderates and dinosaur Democrats. Don’t waste your time with Ezra Klein’s hogwash. Listen to Chapo Trap House instead. If you need a great podcast that goes in depth on healthcare and how we achieve a better system listen to Tim Faust’s HeavyxMedical htt

Halloween came early this year with Comedy Fang Fang, broadcasting from Suicide House at 1122 Boogie Woogie Avenue.

Woohoo! Strong episode tonight; I hope they didn’t shoot their proverbial wad with four songs in one ep, since the season is still so young... The songwriters were very much in their element here — old Hollywood song & dance, the jazzy Broadway of Kander & Ebb & Fosse, and good ol’ dreary Les Mis. “Strip Away My

Loved this episode, but I still think The Richards Tip is the best episode of the season so far. The man “negotiating” for $1001 dollars to change his name to Michael Richards and Austin the freelance writer’s clearly unprompted review of “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist” as the lead story for The Diarrhea Times

This is something that’s increasingly bugging me.

This review was an endless litany of complaints. It’s only the second episode, and already you’re talking about a sophomore slump? Come on. They’re still laying the pieces. Considering that they have a 22-episode season order, I’m not surprised that they’re taking their time. I trust this show, and I think a little

People have been asking “how could someone work with Woody Allen, knowing what they know” for years. Someone who’s actually done so relayed his thoughts on it, particularly because one of the big discussions of the moment is why the film industry so readily turns a blind eye to abuse. There’s worth there.

It has nothing to do with anyone being “triggered”. It reflects an attitude of being flippant about rape, and recent events have highlighted the dangerousness of that attitude. There was an environment where people in power in Hollywood could treat vulnerable women like sexual objects and get away with it, because

I don’t understand how this is a story about gender.

It’s ok, buddy. It’s ok.

Honestly cannot tell whether this is a parody of Rick and Morty fans or not.

I got a Community notification for this?

I’m afraid not. Eventually we’ll get distracted by so other shiny (horrifying) piece of news.

Johnny Depp is still making movies after allegedly beating his ex-wife. Casey Affleck won an Academy Award. Roman Polanski is still making movies. I don’t think this will have any major impact on Affleck.

pretty sure the next scandal is just around the corner and we will all just move on without anything really happening.. i mean its not like this is the first time either.

sounds like new york city itself is kind of the main character.

Good. Stallone has a totally undeserved reputation in pop culture as a meathead. His trademark mumbling comes from having partial facial paralysis - he’s actually really thoughtful and crazy talented. Dude wrote Rocky. That movie is amazing. It’s literally the best Rocky movie (and also one of my Top 10 of all time.)

Oh they love her in the spotlight. She represents scandal and failure, so associating her with the Democrat party as a whole is all good.

Oh man, just wait until she hears all the allegations against her husband.

“I’m very sorry for all the people who got killed, or the people with friends/families who got killed, but I’m not going to say or do anything that could help make sure this doesn’t happen again.”