
This was a great episode. The way it was structured, I audibly yelled out HE DID IT! when they showed the ONE news segment that the whole scheme managed to get. It was such a fun ride to get to that point, the fact there was just a little bit of payoff was inconsequential.

Dan Harmon seems to have a habit of making two legendary seasons of a show, receiving rightfully deserved acclaim and cult following over it, then getting really stuck up his own arse come Season 3.

First two seasons of Community were relatively realistic with some quirkiness here and there, then it went full quirk

You don’t need to be a parent to understand that when a 35-year-old man is sexually involved with your 16-year-old daughter, you should do something about it, instead of just waiting for her to decide that she’s through with him.

I thought it never reached the heights of season 2 and is roughly even with season 1.

Hot take: This season was fine, but by no means a “quantum leap” above the first two.

Wait, what? Did I time travel? This episode aired last week.

“Forget the stereotypes about love-starved single (or divorced mothers)—Sam has been doing just fine on her own, as both she and Rich remark. Doing not particularly fulfilling voicework day in, day out? No sweat. Raising three kids singlehandedly while abstaining from throwing your ex, who’s made to look all the more

I didn’t think it was possible, but Kinja’s ability to embed Youtube videos has made your posts even more obnoxious.

The joke is that he is so obese that he cannot stand

I need this NOW. I just found out that it existed the other day by chance when I was doing something else and got bounced into Hertzfeldt’s twitter. I know he’s already done a run to qualify for the Oscars, so I’m hoping like hell the rest of us get to see it soon on VOD or Netflix like the last one.

I don’t know what it is, but Great News isn’t doing it for me. 30 Rock is a masterpiece, Kimmy Schmidt Season 1 was a masterpiece and while seasons 2 and 3 were good, they weren’t as good. But Great News isn’t doing it for me. Seems to be more “silly humor for the sake of being silly humor” than actual well crafted

This is a movie that doesn’t only beat the crap out of proto-Trump voters, it also makes its villain a climate change advocate. It was also directed by a Brit who’s probably laughing at your attempt to map his movie to your left/right political divide.

her joke, “If they’d take up a collection to send me somewhere nice,” with which she began her declaration sounded like it contained more than a wisp of wistful wishing.

I can’t think of anything more clueless, tone-deaf and liberal than Clinton and Colbert drinking chardonnay and yukking it up together.

Yes... isn’t that the point? You are quite dense. Trump just won the election fueled entirely on promises of change. Someone like Sanders could win. In fact, he probably would have, if things weren’t quite so crooked.

Your obsession with the 15$ minimum wage only shows your own privileged position. You are advocating for a policy that causes actual people to loose their jobs (and income) to robots.

Neither candidate A or B gives a shit. One is just more forthright about it. I heard her loud and clear when she said she favored traditional families, and I believed her then.

Being an ideologue when your ideology is good is good, ya doofus.

That is a demonstrably false statement and you can look at any number of policy positions that the Clinton campaign either adopted or changed because of Bernie. There is copious amounts of evidence in the DNC email leak—a $15 per hour minimum wage is one example.

The dem’s need to damn well stop expecting minorities to vote for them just because they are not republicans. I’m not going to be a hostage for a few social provisions just so they can turn around and glad hand wall street. At least with Republicans I damn well know where they stand.