
You can get nested comments with the Kingamprove plugin (seems like Kinja could implement this themselves, but whatever).

AV Club covering Screaming Females? Fuck yeah! One of the best bands out there right now.

I largely agree with what you’re saying, but I will disagree on two minor points. First, free speech is still free speech even if it results in the speaker losing a few teeth as a result of said speech. Second, while I agree it’s probably not right to physically attack someone who says something merely disgusting,

Yes, she is intolerably smug, and her entire style of humor is completely outdated, now that the era of Jon Stewart is over. He did that style well enough, but in this surreal era, where the right wing controls has slowly but surely creeped into control of much of our government at all levels, and fascism is on the

Nobody’s going around to Nazis’ houses and roughing them up (as funny as that would be). They’re standing up to Nazis when the Nazis show up to intimidate a town, and placing themselves between the Nazis/cops and peaceful protestors as the first line of defense.

“Virtually no one is in physical jeopardy — at the moment — from white supremacists.”

Not comparable, since the government doesn’t give tacit endorsement to Islamic terrorists but does to white supremacist groups. Which countries are going to be invaded if Nazis kill 3000 people?

Except maybe that woman who was run over by a car and died because she was protesting a Nazi march.

“In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience” I don’t recall much violence against the Nazis in Charlottsivlle. Was that car being driven through the crowd part of the “battle of ideas”.

After the election I just can’t stand to watch Full Frontal w/ Samantha Bee anymore. I don’t know what it is about her show, Last Week Tonight, and The Late Show that just get on my nerves and feels phony to me when they didn’t before. It’s probably those darn Chapo Trap House boys fault. 

I blame this terrible new layout even more than the Kinja comments. The other day I had to google search the new History of Violence column because just a few hours after it was posted it was no longer on the front page at all.

Damn Podmass is dead, isn’t it? 5 comments in 4 hours.

Nah, kick him out too. The guy who deported more undocumented immigrants than any other president in American history shouldn’t be the face of the party (and we just found out he was pulling for May in the UK election and actively reached out to her campaign, which is... repugnant, to say the least).

Given how far right the GOP have gone, trying to play for the center or “moderate republicans” is suicide for Democrat politicians, unless they want to just replace the old GOP.

The inability to sort and separate and contain content is just destroying the AV Club as a whole. It’s just un-usable.

How is using the word Queen sexist? Please, explain. It’s merely a comment on her entitlement and the sheer blind adoration she still receives. I wouldn’t defend Sanders all that much, he’s alright by US standards. I don’t believe in worshiping politicians. And people do know about his politics, he’s been talking

Your adulation for the formerly powerful is touching, but there’s nothing sexist about saying Clinton is a regular civilian like the rest of us now. She has no authority. She should do what George Bush does, take up some lame hobby she’s mediocre at. I have little respect for politicians, and even less for former,

What’d everyone think of the new opening credits? Kinda prefer the old one. Not a fan of montagy type openings for shows.