
Great review!! I’ll Still Destroy You is somehow already in my top 10 National songs, as is Day I Die.

So, what’s left of the Commentariat, what are y’all’s verdict on this? Generally Ryan Murphy starts really strong but loses everything by the halfway point. Last season was just shit from the word go, though.

“Bernie Bros” were the least of Clinton’s problems. But since she’s made a career out of never accepting responsibility for her failures, it should come as a surprise to no one that she’s latched on to them as the deciding factor in her disastrous campaign.

I agree, but why do Hillary and the Democrats never get part of the blame for not mobilizing the could-be Democrat voters who stayed home or went third party? I happily voted for Clinton, but her campaign was not great. It was essentially “vote for me because Trump sucks and you probably will anyway because LOL he’s

We are not required to vote in the United States. So why are you blaming the people who stayed home. That is there right, if it is detrimental to our government. But instead of blaming them, perhaps blame politicians who don’t inspire participation. Blame arcane gerrymandering for voter disenfranchisement. Blame lack

Hillary Clinton and the DNC cheated Bernie Sanders. Then Hillary Clinton and her horrible advisors called all of Bernie’s supporters a bunch of sexist Bernie Bros. This tactic was tried against Obama in 2008 but failed. Once the DNC’s corruption was exposed Hillary insulted Bernie supporters yet again by hiring

Let’s say half of that 25% actually followed through and voted for McCain. That’s still on par with the Bernie supporters flipping to Trump. Obviously, that didn’t matter in 2008, and it shouldn’t have mattered last year. The margins shouldn’t have been that thin against a game show host who wasn’t even trying to win.

That’s the dumbest logic-pretzel about voting. They’re smart enough to not be sheeple, but they’re foolish because they won’t blindly vote for someone they don’t want to vote for?

The ACA is an improvement over what existed before, but if you actually believe that every American has access to healthcare right now... well, the words “deliberate idiot” come to mind.  

How about not degrading the social safety net

25% percent of Hillary supporters in 2008 supporters went on to vote for McCain. This shit is marginal.

You’re angry at the few Bernie supporters, but not the Republicans who voted for Trump? Not the DNC for not driving support to other democratic candidates on the ballot for house or senate races?

Wow, the U.S. achieved universal healthcare coverage? When was that, exactly? Seems like people would have made a bigger deal about that.

Additionally I love how this boils down to her being mad that she had to actually run a bit of a primary race instead of just being handed the nom which Clinton felt was her right somehow.

That entire passage is absolute bollocks. You can’t name a time Clinton changed her position because of her financial backing from banks because she already had the fucking policy positions they wanted. Why would she need to change?

Ah ha, it was Bernie’s fault. Stupid Sanders started calling Hillary Clinton crooked. Otherwise Trump probably would have spent months talking about her in measured tones, mentioning the nuanced way she was forced to balance the interests of her constituents with the realities of financing a campaign. He basically

But going left didn’t work either.

But going left didn’t work either.

We’ve called the GOP far FAR worse, and that never stops them. The DNC needs to steel up and stop letting the GOP set the narrative. We’ve spent enough time defending empathy and human decency to these people.

I have to speak with ground-level Democratic Party operatives in purple states weekly. Near as I can tell there is no 2018 plan or 2020 plan or 2024 plan. The plan is apparently to wait out demographic shifts and cross their fingers that future Asians and Hispanics will be interested in a party that abdicated