
Live quite obviously means a show recorded in front of an audience and not in the studio. I don’t know why you’re being so pedantic but it must be exhausting.

That’s exactly right: they are completely blameless. Because they didn’t vote for 45*, you see.

Wait, Democrats were banking on Libertarians to vote for them?

I voted for Hillary, but shaming independent voters as if they “defected” from the democrats somehow is fucking stupid. Who’s to say they weren’t Republican-leaning voters who were tossing their vote away from Trump?

Oh, but Ed Rendell and Robbie Mook said that Hillary didn’t even need those voters! Remember? For every progressive they lose they’ll gain two fat, white folks in the suburbs to replace them. Whoopsie!


In case you haven’t seen it, James Adomian’s Gorka bids farewell to the Chapo boys... or does he?

Now that the transition is complete, any hopes of getting Podmass into the AV Club RSS feeds again?

I don’t agree with him wholesale, but there was an awful lot of back-patting going on with Wonder Woman.

I follow like all of these dudes on Twitter even though I’ve never listened to their podcast (not really a podcast guy). They’re great because they don’t rely on weak Daily Show jokes, which are mostly just “this guy sure has silly hair!” They’re actually insightful and they really capture how all of this is a result

It was a Game of Thrones reference to establishment liberal pricks that includes everyone in the center you moron

keep fucking that chicken friend

Oh dear god please no. He’ll try so hard to convince them he’s a “reasonable” liberal, end up agreeing with basically everything they say because he’s not used to getting challenged from the left with valid arguments, end up with some bullshit “See we’re all on the same side here, we just disagree on minor details!”