
On the Dunc’d on podcast preview of the Knicks, Duncan speculated that the Knicks, with their 9000+ power forwards, were setting Fizdale to fail. He then recommended that Fizdale, at whatever point he knows his firing is imminent, that he go down firing by starting an all-big lineup:

C - Mitchell Robinson

At this rate, the only thing that can stop Zion is a pro-Hong Kong tweet!

I fully expect multiple Deadspin headlines this year that feature some combination of the words “Zion” “slam” and “to hell.”

The only thing in this article that I completely believe:

Since this is obviously a made up story, in order to make it easier for everyone else to separate fact from fiction here, I’ve taken the liberty of going through the entire article and highlighting the things that are obviously make believe so readers coming after me can focus on the aspects of the article that may be

Stephen A. Smith telling people not to be childish is like having Donald Trump tell people that lying is wrong. 

You know, I’m beginning to think this Stephen A. Smith guy might not be that smart after all.

China: [fires Rockets]

In a shocking development, Adam Silver and the NBA are no more socially conscious or woke than Goodell and the NFL. It’s just that their pressure points come from mainland China rather than MAGA jorts territory.

No surprise that Tillman Frittata only cares about collecting more eggs.

Harden’s just worried China will start pulling passports, which would be a huge bummer for him because he really likes to travel.

Sounds like a pretty good way to start the week.

“They opened up an investigation and suspended the season after a week? How could these simple country bumpkins, who only know football and how to till the land possibly make this kind of call so quickly? Surly, they don’t understand things like sexual assault. Why, they are most likely still startled by the daily

Okay, so the videos are in Italian. As someone who took French in high school (which is very close to Italian), I can tell you that the umpire is not saying “I like to play sports with my brother” or “I would like to go to the store.”

This time Bordeaux were the club Neymar had to rescue PSG from, and he did so just in time:

My Brittle Pony

Jerry Jones is incorrect.  The educated man knows to use his blood to form the sacred symbols and call upon the dark power of the great old ones to assist him.  As the bile rises in his esophagus he knows to hold it in with all his might so as to not offend.  When the paramedics arrive, you stab the first one in the

Magic’s Top Two Players the Lakers Should Have Tried to Sign in 2016:

but he is white

This guy clearly violated the terms of parole and they let him out without bail?  At the very least this should trigger a new sentence hearing for his prior offense.