The Anxiety Haver

I say this a full blooded Jew, but that is a great name. It’s so great, I almost (almost) want the name to legitimately catch on as a term for something, like getting really wasted (“I drank so much last night, there’s an alcoholocaust in my stomach right now”) or fucking up a drink in some way, like when the

Really? There are actual humans who thought that was real? I lose more and more hope each day.

I had Zero messages and was a little disappointed with myself. Would have cried a little, but that is not something an Adequate Man would do.

I want to make a post about Bothans because I’m amused at how many people are going through the comments about this trailer to make sure everyone knows that the Bothans were the second Death Star.

So if there is a hurricane and it destroys a jewelry store and I just go through the rubble and get a bunch of stuff, it’s OK because it’s a gift from Mother Nature. Duly noted.

*insert random ‘Star Wars is better comment here, just so we can go ahead and get that part of the discussion out of the way*

As a matter of law, they probably did fuck up and probably will get punished. This is one time where the “what if” actually holds water. OTOH with all the institutionalized racism in the entertainment industry I can’t really find the effort to care. I’m sure the white people who were bothered by this can take solace

Sing it.

I can’t wait until the last scene of episode one where Daenerys pulls off her mask and reveals she was Jon Snow the whole time.

OK, so I am assuming by posting this you are suggesting that a deluded PC culture is to blame for a non-acceptance of Trump? Furthermore, I assume that what you are positing is that Trump’s positions are actually reasonable and rational solutions to complex political problems and it is PC culture’s inability to deal

Wait, you know this is the U.S. we’re talking about right? Ignoring war crimes is kind of our thing.

Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

I’m confident saying that anyone who wants Trump as President cheered for AIDS while watching the movie “Philadelphia”.

I know what you mean. Still, it’s really ... depressing? insane? terrifying?... that it’s a noticeably uncommon sign of humanity to show genuine empathy when someone you have worked with for decades buries his young son. I mean, surely all that Graham has done here is maintain the bare minimum that is required for one

I’m done facing reality today.

Are you using the same Internet that we are all using, or a different one?

I mean, did they not see this coming? It’s like the hitchhiking robot that was found destroyed shortly after it first entered America. We do not deserve nice things, as all we do is destroy them.

He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But

“’E’s not dead yet!”