Ohh, how wrong you are.
Your vangina is correct.
I just asked my twat, and she said. "It's because he's so hot." Science.
Jason Statham, so hot. Why does he do it for me?
women aren't funny tho.
At last, evidence that you should always bring Spears to a knife fight.
That'll show her
He looks like a hotter Christoph Waltz! It totally worked for me.
I know whenever my partner and I are in the mood to get down, nothing's more romantic than running to the shower beforehand to make sure everything's so clean you could eat off it.
Maybe it's cause I'm 35, but this is inconceivable to me. I find it hard to believe that many people beyond serious niche fetishists would even want to try this.
Dateline tells me to wipe down the hotel remote with bleach before using it because of all the fecal matter, but Lena Dunham tells me to motorboat that ass. Mixed messages, yo.
Am I a hopeless fuddy-duddy for refusing to get on Team Salad Tossing? I just...fecal-oral bacterial transmission, you guys. C. diff is no fucking joke.
Eh, in the land of the Steves, my choice will always be Colbert over Carrell.
I read the comment before the watching the movie, and thought you were joking. But Dayuuummm it's amazing what a beard can do for a guy.
No, it hasn't.
Yo I said the same thing to my sister I was like when did Steve Carrell get so delicious
No, it was a joke at Cosby's expense. It wasn't directed at any woman but him. Two different things.
I read your comment before I watched I thought "I don't know about that..." But daaaamn. Men really do get more attractive with age. Maybe part of it is me aging as well, but damm 40 something is so much more attractive than 20 something even though I'm still a 20s something.