Oh, they bone, my friend.
Oh, they bone, my friend.
May the gods bless you, madam.
Honestly, the possibility of naked Alexander Skarsgard is pretty much the keeps me coming back.
This is me at work right now.
So are these the good guys with guns or the bad guys with guns? I can't tell.
Pennsylvania. But it was early 20's that they were born (i think) so they might have been popular names at the time.
I dunno. She was just always called Aunt Hazie. Nicknames don't always have to be shortened versions of the original. My guess is that it was because her sister was called Evelyn which was shortened to Evvie, so they had Hazie and Evvie.
It's adorable. I had an ancient aunt named Hazel, and we called her "Hazie" which is an excellent nickname, I think.
I, too, am immune to babies.
I'm so glad I'm barren.
I've been really looking forward to this, and now I can't figure out how to get Steam to update it. (i am an idiot.) Help?
Why wasn't Johnny Weir there?
Oh my god, yes.
Because to them, women and girls are commodities, and their treatment as chattel is sanctioned by their god. Religious does not equal morally upright.
The Confidential Baladeer!
Oh god, he tries to head boop but can't because of his wobbles. HIS WOBBLES.
Holy crap. I had that exact pair.
"This isn't a liquid foundation, just like our original bareMinerals was not a powder. "
I was kind of expecting her to poop a little, with all that straining.
Oh my god I love Sassafrass.