meat culture
meat culture
Yes, everything you said.
What's throwing me off, though, is that her pants rest right above her vagina. I know you don't have an abnormally long torso, Taylor. Your waist is not on your pube line.
To be honest, I think a DMV bake sale is a brilliant idea. You'd make loads.
Summer's Eve is the best Craft Name I ever heard.
I was thinking the same thing. Those white people jokes (Farmers Markets, amirite?) are pretty old and lame at this point. You're exactly right - it's like reading a rehash of the admittedly awesome Stuff White People Like.
Or maybe he just loves his Grandma and in this day and age the way he wants to record his remaining time with her is via a readily available and popular medium?
I guess "axe-wound" is right out, then.
Right? Genius.
Yaaaaaaaas. God, the BEST 80s asshole. The best.
Unfortunately I can't. :( We're flying out of Logan to London and the only daytime flight (8am) is BA, or BA affiliates. Otherwise we'd have flown Virgin in a heartbeat. But I really don't want an overnight flight again, ugh.
BRB, cancelling my British Airways flight for a Virgin.
Ugh, gross. I can't stand babies.
You know, where cures are secrets hidden from us by the evil government, where vitamins are not simply life-improvers, they are life-savers. Where if people would just eat whole foods, use natural things and get more vitamin D they wouldn't even NEED REAL DOCTORS.
Jeez, who peed in her cherrios?
It's like a tube worm.
Is there any color in the world that Lupita can't wear and look fabulous in?
The magic hand of Lupita.