
I’d actually like to see more craft brewers try their hand at light beers. Abita Light happens to be one of my favorites, especially if I’m drinking beer with food.

How is this surprising at all? Craft beer drinkers aren’t going to buy the same brand over and over again, and light beer drinkers tend to stick to their favorite. My guess is that “regular” Budweiser drinkers are also branching out into the local beer scene, where light beer drinkers rarely (if ever) have an

Can I have one of these instead?

I don’t think I’ve ever once been told in person that I couldn’t use cash for something. I am always in the opposite boat where all I have is a card and stupid green cloth is required.

She was? Where did you glean that? What I’m seeing is a stunning lack of self-awareness.

The Wizards actually exist in a quantum state of how good they are, in that they are simultaneously a very good team and a very shitty team all at once. However, while quantum properties tend to crystallize when the object in question is being observed, the Wizards don’t settle the good/not good duality until they

This is stupid.

Thank you for this long-winded story that absolutely definitely happened. 

It’s not legit though. Legally it’s a bad ballot, that was tossed out with probably hundreds of others not filled out properly. To go cherry pick one out of the garbage, and claim it is a tie breaker should send any non republican in that state to the streets.

it’s good to know that your vote doesn’t ACTUALLY count, so long as determined forces can find a ballot that kind of sort of might count as a vote against yours.

They made two line-outs for Ed Gillespie then. Does he lose two votes for that race?

And anyone being honest would consider this a spoiled ballot.

Nope. The whole recount and win-by-a-single-digit routine is mathematically nonsense because the margin of error is bigger than that. If this was really about determining the people’s will, they would hold a runoff. Instead there’s this dumb rule-mandated recount.

Somehow that didn’t hold up in 2000 when thousands of badly-designed butterfly ballots were discarded because they were double-punched, even though it was even clearer the intent was to vote for Gore. The GOP loves having it both ways.

Virginia voter here. The bigger problem is that Democrats won by nine points in Virginia as a whole but are now counting on a coin flip just to maybe, possibly give them a 50-50 tie.

Gerrymandering is an insidious perversion of democracy.

I really didn’t want to vote for Erdogan, but I just couldn’t overlook Hillary’s e-mails.

Why not just combat bad ideas with good ideas?

Troll article all the way.

My reaction too. Bullshit he’s read that book. Someone in his sphere of existence is a staffer he treats like shit but he also secretly thinks is smart was carrying around that book and Trump’s brain went, “huh. That must be a good one. Tweet and sound smart.”

I truly wish him the best, but as somebody who has spent the last 5 years treating mental illness in the chronically homeless population, it saddens me to say that this is a well meaning, but incredibly misguided approach to helping. The lead picture speaks volumes, her cheerful instagram ready face next to the face