
This article is awful. No, not buying iphones isn’t a solution but

How many flat screens, video game consoles, and car payments would make up for healthcare? Because a lot of people I see complaining about healthcare costs have plenty of those luxuries.

Honestly, I think that the Boomers just plain need to die out before we’ll make any significant headway. The older generations are entrenched. Nothing a bunch of Gen Xers or “lazy” Millennials can say will sway them, because we owe them RESPECT, by cracky!

If you feel the need to count squares of toilet paper, you have some unresolved mental issues. Oh, and BTW, Costco has the best value in toilet paper. Plus, it’s really soft on the bung.

Hamilton envies people who can afford $2m worth of jewelry, and he ascribes independent moral significance to his emotions.

I hope somebody is there to remind the burglars of the mess they left when they went away.

I submit that it’s a bad idea to look down on people because you think they did something you dislike and your only evidence is their race, gender, and home state.

Or you just don’t understand ALL Trump supporters. Just the ones they put in front of the TV and write articles about to push a narrative.

“There is nothing I can say to you to convince you to vote for a democrat.”

You’d think that after going through the whole Bernie vs Hilary thing that Dems would understand that a political party is not a monolithic shared sentiment, but here we are... It’s not as politically expedient to find nuance and work to fix the problem rather than point and scream RACIST!

Yes, but 63 million people voted for Trump. If we simply label them all as racist/mysogynist/evil is, IMHO, both simplistic and shows that we are unable to learn to address issues that concern a broader group of Americans.

“You made a choice to be on board with every vile thing he says, supports and does” I think you might believe that, but those who voted for him don’t necessarily believe it. And if we ultimately want some of them to vote for a Democrat next time, this might not be the best way to go about it.

I am anti-Trump and registered independent. However, I had to work on Friday, which required that I wear a suit and tie in Downton Washington D.C. A camera was snapped point blank in my face over a dozen times. People shoved me repeatedly (not hard, but very nerve wracking) and I was verbally threatened in the two

The problem with your blanket statement is that 42% of women and 30% of Hispanics voted for Trump. So either these women and Hispanics are ok with misogyny and racism against themselves, or people are able to rationalize away Trump’s statements because they agree with his other policies and/or hated Clinton. And if

Not necessarily true. After the Tea Party shit, people pretty much assume that if you’re voting Republican, you’re super right wing. The party has changed and people who don’t share those same social beliefs get defensive, which is why I believe she felt compelled to write this.

Well, maybe, but also quite possibly not.

I think the precedent is being set in LA as we speak. If the city fails to support the Rams AND the Chargers, the biggest bogeyman in NFL relocation schemes utterly disappears (though with Las Vegas set to take its place). Hence why the league was offering huge subsidies to Spanos to get him to stay; the THREAT of

Maybe MAYBE it’s possible that you’re having drunk sex with your girlfriend and while your going at it normally on one of the thrusts your dick comes out and then hit her butt but you don’t know cuz you’re just chugging along and shit now she’s crying and ok it’s honey I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I didn’t even know I

“We shoulda had more time.”

I mostly agree with you, but I thinking “ruining lives” is really overstating the impact of a one-year football suspension. And for most rape/sexual assault cases, there will never be that “proof” you’re looking for. I mean, the facts of this case are out. Several players had sex with this girl. She says it was rape.