
Local newspaper ran a small follow up story on her death a month or two back. If you went by the facebook comments, you would think that giving this another look would have required murdering the first born child of every white family in the county.

Mayor Fouts needs to shut all-the-way the fuck up.

“for whatever reason... may have taken exception to that sign.”

What are the odds that anyone named as a suspect in terrorizing these two Army Veterans, has not made very harsh and public condemnations of anyone daring to “disrespect the troops” by kneeling during the national anthem?

Hey now! Everyone knows the “Florida of Florida” is Tallahassee. As a Jacksonville woman, I can tell you that we are NOT happy about the decision to host the RNC here, it’s utterly disappointing on so many levels.

I mean, jaywalking is the stereotypical example of an insignificant crime. It’s the punchline to a joke about crime, not an actual crime.

I mean for fucks sake they are protesting against wearing cameras when they invade a residence unnanounced. Police isn’t all sunshine and lollypops here in Canada but they don’t act like columbian death squands backed by the state.

It’s the mindset of psychopaths.

The same police who want to break the law to access your phone are the same who are protesting activating a body cam while on duty. There is no way to defend this.

The romanticism of cops has been going on longer then many people here have been alive. Dragnet, Adam 12, etc have being promoting cops as deities for ages. That’s the next thing to go, Hollywood’s never ending boner for cops.

For those wondering Police Unions are not real popular around the country. Why you ask? Because for a collection of people that demand respect, unquestioned adulation and adoration they never have the backs of any other union in their city or state. In NYC when The MTA was looking for a new contract the PUBA was

Mayor Fischer is the Mayor. He is the duly elected executive of Louisville. Those cops are employees of the people of Louisville.

Any Reasonable Person: “Guys, you can’t terrorize and murder unarmed Americans.”

But remember, Tesla sold the car on 11/15. When they did the audit, they were no longer the owners of the car.

When all you have is a hammer, all you see is nails

It really is like every member of every police force in the country is just Barney Fife in a different skin suit. Not only should the cop responsible get fired, whoever trained the motherfucker should get the boot too.

You with your babbling judgmental hot take have no idea what that family is doing. They will handle their business, leaving you time and space to mind yours. 

10 years on an ambulance, I’ve seen cops arrest people on DUIs who were hypoglycemic due to their diabetes, symptoms of which are very similar to drunkenness. We get called when the patient loses consciousness. The medical ID bracelet should be a clue, but cops see what they want to see. 

Fresno police said in a statement Tuesday that their internal affairs unit will investigate the incident on Thursday, during which it “received a 911 call from a family member of a 16-year-old male suffering from a medical episode inside a local fast-food restaurant.”