
This is where Nintendo is smarter than any western business. Not just in gaming, but retail and beyond.

When I lived in a town of 60,000 people I was working at Target. They expected constant permanent growth not only of sales, but of membership sign ups too. Except, this ignored the basic truth that a town that size

Maybe that’s the thing that will make the cowards at Blizz value free speech over profits. If they are content to be bossed around by China’s arbitrary whims, it’s only fitting that said whims tank their profit margins there

It’s a generic response to a lawsuit. The meat of this is going to be about what the contract says specifically about “exclusive theatrical release” because her argument about the timing of the box office release is aging like Walter Donavan at the end of The Last Crusade.

I cannot get over just the sheer audacity of the Disney response. Not just that this multi-billion dollar company is invoking the pandemic tragedy as justification to seemingly breach their contract with Johansson, but then they claim that somehow Disney+ has enhanced her capability of earning additional

I honestly wish COVID would sweep through the lot of them and we could move on with life. We’re rapidly approaching the need of another lockdown because dipshits like these allowed COVID the opportunity to infect enough that it mutated. Willfully unvaccinated people should not be allowed to occupy the hospital beds

It was destroyed and permanently disbanded on January 6, 2021.”

almost 20 years of headaches in the business, they’re the primary anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers and they actively deny the queer community and women basic human rights you’re goddamn fucking right I’ve got an axe to grind.

I live on a barrier island in SW FL, and we are seein g the same thing here when it comes to asshole tourists who are entitled and feel free to ignore local customs and values. What is going on with American Tourists? Did we all forget how to act civilized during the lockdown?

19 years hon and 95% of the time it was a white person.

fucking cishet white people.

Eat at Jersey Mike’s 

The last harumph.

It’s a bad slogan that’s easily warped. Rethuglicans are great at being on the attack and this slogan played right in to their hands. Yes, police departments need reworks. From the ground up, even. A complete restructuring of the entire judicial system is needed beyond just criminal justice reforms. It’s a monumental

He also blamed Jamie Harrison’s loss to longtime South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham on the abolitionist slogan, despite Harrison explicitly saying he opposes “all of these efforts to defund the police.”

At this point, when I hear ‘undecided’ from someone, I can only think they’re too afraid to publicly admit they’re a Trump supporter.

I had one. Painful recovery lasting weeks. I had debilitating depression because of hormone disruption along with physical pain. I needed mine, and didn’t want children. But I can’t imagine how these women are feeling with that level of pain, lingering recovery, depression from hormones and loss of ability to have

The UN defines taking action to prevent pregnancy in a specific group as genocide. So, specifically, that’s the crime. We’re that kind of country now.

To anyone in this world, who likely is nowhere near this website: if you’re still ‘undecided’ at this point, you know where you’d stand when they opened Auschwitz.

“...he requires the approval of the detention center before conducting any procedures, denying the allegations that he had performed operations without informed patient consent.”

These are two different concepts. Also, does Dr. Mahendra Amin speak Spanish, and how long does he confer with his patients before he