Oh wait! It’s gets even better!
Oh wait! It’s gets even better!
I finally figured out who she reminds me of. Piers Morgan. They are both unbearable ppl who talk to loud about shit they have very little knowledge about. Also to call back to another commenter, they both have a weird hatred of Meghan Markle
This is y’alls fault.
One old racist believes in gun control and climate change. The other one just approved the use of landmines and is repealing every environmental law he can.
I can’t really give you a hard time if that is what we end up getting. Bloomburg’s policies would be as bad, if not worse then Trump’s and he’s cunning enough to ensure that every single one of them gets passed with little to no media or outside attention, because everyone will be having dry and sometimes wet orgasms…
Both of them were awful and, because of their stupid money, we’re going to be hit up with more and more pandering and political and insulting ads, popping up everywhere like Charlie Day in those instantly annoying Tide ads.
At this point it’s all damage control while they try to figure out how to settle and get this to go away ASAP before they start seeing people pull their money out. It’s a little late for that though, as this has made national news and likely has any TCF customer of color possibly rethinking storing money there.
Homeboy is about to get -paid-
Right. There are measures in place to validate checks. Such measures don’t involve calling the cops.
“...the checks Thomas tried to deposit displayed a “VOID” watermark when scanned in a web viewer.”
Black employees following racist policies or racist work cultures lead to members of the public experiencing racism.
“On the same day as the TCF debacle, Thomas went to a Detroit Chase branch, where he opened an account and successfully deposited his settlement checks. According to Thomas, his checks cleared 12 hours later.”
Can I tell you about Livonia? Livonia, as of 2010, is still 92% white. When I was growing up in Detroit, folks knew they were not welcome at the Livonia Mall. According to James Loewen’s Sundown Towns, “As of the 2000 census, Livonia is the whitest big city (over 100,000 people) in the county.” So yeah, the teller may…
“TCF Bank spokesman Tom Wennerberg maintained that racism did not play into Thomas’ treatment. Assistant Manager Mack is, herself, African American,...”
Tits are more offensive than guns. Fuck this country.
Govt.: These people might be radicalized against America.
Your daily reminder that the cruelty is a feature rather than a bug.
I spoke to so many Iranians (I am one) about how terrified I was of Trump winning and they all pretty much went “meh” and talked about how Trump only wants to get rid of “those other” immigrants.
“Voting is a privilege that should not be taken lightly, and I am obligated to faithfully implement Amendment 4 as it is defined,”