
I drove myself to the hospital with chest pain about five years ago, and saying “chest pain” stirred up the ER like kicking a nest of ants. I was in an exam room hooked up to a monitor in five minutes. Every nurse and the doctor* gave me a long, angry talk about how stupid I was for driving myself in. They kept me

no knowledge of the 1979 Iranian revolution

Rose McGowen is getting dragged for her tweet on this too. Yeah, she’s problematic AF, but show me the lie here:

Still waiting for a white person to explain to me how blowing up some goat farmer holding an AK in the Afghan mountains, defends my Constitutional Rights, that are always being threatened at home by said white people who start wars on the other side of the world.

Bloomberg should just run as the republican dictator he craves to be.

If men are supposed to be the calm, logical, and rational gender, then why are they losing their minds over fictional characters in movie franchises? Did they get their periods or something?

Yeah, sure totally.

Super fuck the GOP for empowering hobby racists everywhere.

The police say Franklin admitted to taking meth earlier in the day.

Let me take a break from celebrating with my family to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to My Fam at The Root!

“These women are everywhere and they are not passive little victims like they pretend to be (or how Jezebel portrays Melania).”

Thats prob a meth scab on her face. She might be trying to look presentable, but to me she looks fucking crazy. That cold stare with the psychotic smirk goin on? Fuck that noise.

Today was my last day at a company where I worked the last 10+ years. I’m the third Mexican-American woman (in a row) to leave the same small department under duress because of 1 white woman. In the last 14 months!!

She’s trying to get the jury pool on her side by looking like a a respectable and friendly white person, it is a standard white person legal strategy. If you are white, then always try to clean yourself up and smile for your mugshot so that the jury pool thinks you are one of them. White people start winning their

“The assailant was already in jail on a separate assault charge...”

Throw the thug under the prison.

Look at that smirk on her honkie face. She is incredibly proud of what she did. I so look forward to her crocodile tears and ‘remorseful racist’ act in court when she is found guilty and realizes that she can look forward to years in jail.

And, no, Mr. Trump did not have a serious opportunity to offer his side of the story in the House hearings on impeachment.

“There was no intent to represent any particular culture or religion.”

So you just had an incident in your hometown where a white male shot up a synagogue not even one year ago and you think it’s a good idea to show that Muslims are violent? Wow. There is tone deaf and then there is this. Awaiting all the assholes in the grey’s telling me how The Root and other Poc are the real racists.

Get it right next time.