So basically Epic pulled some shady and manipulative trickery and didn’t tell people ahead of time, and then when companies said, “Hold up! We didn’t agree to this!”, Epic tried to paint it as those companies being unreasonable?
So basically Epic pulled some shady and manipulative trickery and didn’t tell people ahead of time, and then when companies said, “Hold up! We didn’t agree to this!”, Epic tried to paint it as those companies being unreasonable?
He could talk to any woman living in Alabama with an unwanted pregnancy.
Just kind of a thought I’ve been thinking, but, I’m starting to wonder if there would be some merit in introducing ongoing and mandatory psychological evaluations because it seems cops have such a warped view of the world where all situations and persons are viewed as hostile. How can you protect and serve if you view…
Or maybe the Bernie sycophants need to suck it up and vote for whomever the dems nominate. That way, Orange Mussolini won’t get re-elected.
Your blue-sky idealism elected Trump. Good job, ya played yourself (and the rest of us, you selfish fuck).
So a Texas police veteran, after 11 years, still doesn’t know how to deal with people in general, let alone how to take a woman into custody, let alone how to restrain a 45 year old woman without resorting to (a) a cattle prod, which just makes a person angry (and you wouldn’t want to see a black person angry),…
Paul, thank you for making this comparison:
So the pro-lifers will demand the death penalty for the killing of an “unborn child”, right? They’ll also ban guns as a surgical instrument used in abortions, right?
That’s an insult to orcs. At the very least, they are all physically fit for combat. This Mr. Potato head masquerading as a human wouldn’t survive the trek to Helm’s Deep, nevermind actual combat.
I’m not big on all this Royal thing but yea, it’s gonna get worse, especially if some melanin begins to show.. the British have always been racist mother4kers.
Jesus fucking Christ that man has no business making fun of anyone. He looks like a damn troll.
I love not seeing everybody every week. I love that if Dream has a killer segment one week, he’s not going to show up next week with a segment that is more of the same, but not as funny or surprising.
Part of that is that Raw is the flagship show that has only changed its timeslot to add extra hours. They promote it as the A show, they save all the big storylines for it, and they have consistently built the Raw brand for years.
HHH has a lot of faults but when he’s given the freedom to run his own show he doesn’t make many mistakes. It’s gotta piss him off to see Vince flush so many of his creative decisions down the toilet when guys are promoted to the main roster.
NXT is booked almost perfectly. They have people capable of doing it. Helps having a one hour weekly show instead of 5 hours to fill, with only 4-5 big events per year instead of a dozen, but still!
Smackdown benefits from McMahon seemingly caring less about it and probably not holding it in a strangehold like Raw. Also its two hours long. Not a pointless long 3 hours.
For me, the WWE creative and current ratings woes is a more complicated issue for a simple reason. For me, despite all the insane stuff Raw has tried to pull off, SDL has been a really enjoyable product for a long while now and majority of the feedback I’ve seen on the show has been positive. It has also adjusted a…
I owned and lived in an HOA property up until last year. Never again. As shown in the story, the HOA is given power to interpret their rules in almost any way they want. And from my experience, there isn’t much in the way of recourse other than getting lawyers involved. Not that I’ll go full “Ruby Ridge” here, but…
I browse house listings occasionally and “No HOA” is always touted as a big, positive selling point. I agree, which is why I bought an older house without one.