
You make it sound like the drivers are working for a couple of hours a day and expect that to provide a living wage. They are probably driving 12 hours a day. Why would that be considered a side gig? Are taxi drivers, who also have the option, in theory, to only drive part-time, also doing side gigs? 

People drove taxis as a job. Stop blaming the poor and start blaming corporations.

Side gigs still pay employees minimum wage.... So while I don’t fully understand your point, I just want to clarify that these people do indeed have a job, they drive for Uber. They would just like this job to be treated like almost every other job. Only an idiot wouldn’t get that.

If people didn’t do this full-time, the platform would die, full stop. Rides would cost far more and service would be slower (or nonexistent) pretty much everywhere.

Truly, nobody cuts to the heart of what a oafish buffoon Trump is quite like you, David. This had me in stitches:

Yet more indisputable evidence that everyone who voted for this clown is either an idiot, an asshole, or both.  There is no other possibility.  

Counterpoint - what kind of Christian uses his/her faith to hate other... ahh, my point fell apart mid sentence. 

Things are different here than they are 50 miles down the road.

I’m sadly not amazed that a small town in GA is racist. I am amazed that a 1500-person town has a mayor AND a city administrator and gets out-of-state applicants for that job. I’m pretty sure my neighborhood has more people that that.  

I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage.

Yo, Nancy — this is what happens when you take impeachment “off the table.”

Wait, by this logic Obama still owes us 8 more years.  Anybody have his cell number?

This is the correct take. Hell he even wins shit that he had no part of, like him winning all those golf tournaments he never attended.

We need to accept that even if he loses in a landslide, he’ll pull something.

You think a landslide will make a difference? It will just “prove” to him and his moron supporters that the deep state was behind the result, because obviously everyone loves Trump.

One nice thing about Trump is he’s shown just how much of our system was held together by norms and tradition — I still don’t think he’s got the will or desire to barricade himself in the White House on Jan. 20, 2021 after losing the election (that would require effort for a job I still don’t think he likes, and it’s

Oh there we are. A man who praises dictators is trying to hold onto power longer than he should be allowed. Just wait for 2020, and if he loses, he’ll no doubt declare it invalid or use his “national emergency” excuse to stay on as president.

This would be hi-larious if this dumb fucker didn’t believe this at some level. I think we’re in for some epic shenanigans if he loses by anything but a landslide in 2020

That is a shame the US doesn’t get it. GM and Ford don’t offer minivans in the USA, leaving Chrysler the only domestic automaker that makes a minivan in the USA

And please oh sheperd of the lost, guide me to a better tier so i can stop trying to carry these bronze n00bs and save me from this hell