
Um ... it looks like no-one else is singing your song.

There were so many little touches like that. The stock location shots, the music, the way everyone acted. 

The best, subtle visual gag (that I’ve not seen mentioned here yet) was photoshopping the New York skyline in behind the familiar establishing shot of Home Base.

I can’t believe no one has mentioned the rando helicopter shots of New York that are in every romantic comedy set in New York ever.

Gotta disagree about the GGG award, should definitely go to the Security Guard.

Basically, the reason all of the characters are obsessed with the same media as Seth McFarlane is because that’s a necessary conceit to his writing style. It’s one of those things that you either just accept as necessary to the make the show work (like how you have to ignore a lot of basic science to enjoy superhero

I liked this episode a lot! I’m still not sure about how I feel about Mel turning away from the Elders so fast and being all in on the Sarcana (sp?).

Craig Parker (fucking Glaber) is having so much campy evil fun.

I think it was mentioned in S1 that her dad had remarried and had another kid who he took to the Lion King on Broadway.

Yeah, it comes up right away in the pilot when Naomi calls Rebecca and mentions something about her dad, Tucker’s 7th birthday party, and “that whore,” and then he’s mentioned again a few times in season 2 -- Silas couldn’t spend much time with Rebecca or even invited her to the Lion King when he was in New York

Had a brief moment of panic in seeing David Hull listed as “special guest star” and not as a regular, but it seems like that was for budgetary reasons and not because WhiJo is being fazed out?

Just because I love Easter eggs, here’s a full list of comments I was able to screenshot from Rebecca’s computer while she was reading the opinion piece on herself:

I watched a few episodes of Krypton which is set centuries before Superman was born and the people in there have British accents, need oxygen to breath, and speaks English 99% of the time.

it’s funny, because Supergirl and Legion are the only 2 shows I’m watching right now, and Legion is a much better show.

I’m kind of hoping that it’s the stress of juggling five shows in production combined with the loss of one of the Big Three producers/showrunners.

Kara bailing on being Kara Danvers/Supergirl, and her sister, was infuriating. If by the end of the episode Kara realizes that was stupid and wrong and Supergirl is who she is now maybe it will have been worth it.

Did Kara tell Clark that a huge chunk of Krypton (including his aunt) survived?

I was so mad about M’yrnn. It’s like, wait, now? Yep! HEY EVERYBODY! WE GOTTA WRAP THIS PLOT UP! LET’S GO!

I agree with you on this. The entire thing was rushed. There was no emotional storyline. Alex and Karas relationship has always had a special part in the show. Alex used to be a bad ass. Now she’s a mere backstory just hanging around.

So how about that weird-ass promo that made it look like Kara was just washing her hands of the whole Reign thing and swanning off to live on Argo, while everyone else was left to her mercy? I know “superdickery” is a thing in comics, but it doesn’t even feel like that’s what they were going for, so I just have no