
Thank you, all! I’d completely forgotten those references.

Was it established that Rebecca had a younger brother on her father’s side? I don’t remember that coming up in earlier seasons.

I wasn’t sold on the first two episodes, but this one was a lot better. The show is finally starting to find its way. Angela the Harbinger reminded me of that character from “The Ring.”

I was thinking that Parker was going to end up being another Cole.

I was glad that Issa didn’t end up recruited by Tobias. Sigh of relief. I hope that he and Wendy get cured and aren’t simply one-off characters. I felt for both of them. Wendy’s got it worse - imagine waking up after being in some type of coma for 30 years and having no family, friends are now old enough to be your par

Please keep doing these reviews. I love reading them.

While the show hasn’t been as great as it’s been since its return from that lengthy hiatus, this episode was the worst I’ve seen. There is so much that could be explored with Argo City, but it seems so bland and generic. And as I mentioned in a comment response, nothing about these Kryptonians seems alien.

My biggest complaint with the whole Argo City stuff is that it rarely feels alien - Kara’s mum’s house looked like it belonged in an interior design catalogue, and those incredibly-normal-looking birds fluttering about in that sanctuary with Kara and Mon-El were particularly distracting; at least make those look a

Yesterday’s episode was a reminder of how much Laura Benanti is missed. Erica Durance is fine, but she doesn’t have that quality that Benanti did as someone who is a high-level person on a council.

I caught a continuity error: They made a huge deal about Alex dyeing Ruby’s hair blue but it was already blue in last week’s episode. I thought it was bad lighting for a moment in last week’s episode.

That hallway scene was chilling. It was one of the most action packed scenes that this show has had in a while. It was obvious from the jump that that was not really Diggle but DeVoe in disguise.

I thought this episode was better compared to the ones from the past few weeks. I felt that the action scenes were pretty good.

When Amunet announced that she knew who The Flash was in yesterday’s episode, I thought she knew that Barry was The Flash in the prison break episode. Either way, there seems to be no point in his disguise anymore. Everyone knows he’s The Flash!

She was in civilian mode in the karaoke scenes and Winn’s father’s funeral in the spring premiere episode, but other than that nada.

Oh, and another thing...when was the last time Kara Danvers was at CatCo as an employee? Her flying in as Supergirl to talk to James yesterday doesn’t count!

I get you. I realize that in the first season Kara went dark due to the Red Kryptonite, but you want two separate Karas in a future episode. It could either be like Superman III where Clark’s going against the dark Superman, or like that episode of “Star Trek” where Kirk was split into a cowardly half and an evil

I too think it’s weird that they made a huge deal about Pestilence just for her to be dropped so quickly. Angela Zhou made the most of what little she had to work with though.

Also it’s so weird seeing Chuck’s character try to turn face on this show just as Khalil turns Heel over on Black Lightning (They’re played by the same actor, if you don’t know)

This was a great season and I’m looking forward to the next one. I wonder if the second season will be longer. It’ll be good if it is because it’ll give more time to flesh characters and stories out (Gambi’s exposition on Tobias, Syonide, and Khalil was clunky), but I worry that it’ll end up like the other DC shows

I imagine it could be a little traumatizing if you let your teenagers witness a murder...