
You don’t know much about basketball, do you?

Yep. Deadspin’s baseball articles have been riddled with fundamental errors recently.

An .804 OPS and 6 homeruns in 100 at bats does not constitute a very rough start.

The fact that you wrote “a herb” makes me think you pronounce the h in herb, which I think makes you the herbiest herb of all.

And Jordan goes to 2 down 3 with 2 seconds left. And then they don’t foul on the inbound, down 1.

Bulls pace was much slower than Warriors. In fact, Warriors’ pace is faster than any team in that era, so Jordan never had to exert the level of energy on D he would have to exert against this Warriors team.

Funny, the Josh in our grade punted his flour baby after the assignment ended. He got caught and failed.

Couple things

Boltman is also not the Chargers mascot. He was just a dude with season tickets. Glad he’s on the list though. Who wouldn’t love that terrifying face?

I gave you a star for taking two days to come up with “RD Laing deez nuts.” Truth be told, I laughed.

If your name was actually Yung, I wouldn’t have joked about it. But since you chose it, fair game. Carry on, Yoongski.

Heh “look up who PFTCommenter is.” My point is, go to Barstool or wherever else for your athlete interviews. It genuinely would not make Deadspin better.

I get that an interview with an athlete can be a cool thing. But I can go anywhere else online to get that. I’m asking why it matters to him that Deadspin doesn’t do that.

But does it matter to you? Because it seems like it does. And if it does, fucking WHY? Deadspin couldn’t give two shits whether Jamario Moon is endorsing them.

Anyone know what the record fee is for a center back? Surely higher than 20M, but like, not waaaay higher, right?

Pitchers who pull this bullshit should get enough games to make them think twice about pulling this bullshit. Fifteen to twenty games would have been fair. And Harper should get Strickland’s game checks for emotional and physical suffering.

My moms name is Yung and shes a small Chinese woman and it is pronounced yoong.Also, Lavar Ball is a dick not only to his own kids, but to other peoples kids. Check out his halftime speech from the game that the article is referencing. Hes a fucking tiger-dad and a dick of a human being and I wouldnt be

The stare down was in response to Strickland barking at him. Strickland barking was based off the incorrect assumption that Harper was showing him up, when in reality, Harper was just trying to gauge if the ball was fair or foul.

What actually happened was...Harper stood at home plate trying to gauge if the ball was fair or foul. Strickland was watching the ball, and when he turned, he saw Harper was only like half way to first base. So Strickland, at this point assuming Harper is trying to show him up, started barking at him. Then Harper

Remember when this dude was the 123 Kid? That was hilarious.