
I wish he would stick to his job as NFL analyst and shut up about social issues.

It's weird people doubted you. He's a sure fire hall of famer and will be first ballot. And the way he's still hitting, he'll probably get to 500 HRs too.

All because of goddamn Nate Kaeding.

Quick! Add an “h” to avalance before the avalanche starts!

Did you get to the end of the article?

Would apply if the ball he hit landed foul. Honestly, though, I could watch this gif all day.

Nothing like making a shitty joke-that's-hardly-a-joke and then walking it off with a stupid footnote.

After further review, you're one of the ones who doesn't get it. We call those type of people "dicks" around here.

One very underrated part of this is the hustle for the rebound.

I wish I could take my stars back from you. Oh wait, I can. NO STARS FOR YOU, JERRY!

How many times during that argument did he run his hands through his hair? Serious question. I bet it was at least 7.

Too soon?


Maybe if you had worked on your handles, Bradley, you could have be a point guard also.

We made horses? Like, in a lab? For the specific purposes of whipping the shit out of them?

Pretty sure you can make this comment on 99% of internet articles.

Couple things. 1) Horse people are primarily Trump people. I have no evidence of this, but it is 100% true. 2) I will never respect horse sports because horses weren’t made for us to break their legs and euthanize them. Or whip them. Or keep them penned up.

Goddammit, people. Moose knuckle is to a man as came toe is to a woman. There is no male camel toe! Except on actual male camels with toes.

That would be a moose knuckle, Andrew.

He was just the one that said "Get me to Qualcomm as fast as you can," and then joke-tweeted about it when it happened.