
Jet fuel can melt Seattle teams.

The 70 wins wouldn’t matter. They could win 60 and as long as they win the title, it won’t be disappointing. Especially considering Kerr won’t make the same mistake of not resting his starters once the seeds are set.

Yeah, Nowitzki isn't anything like any of those players you listed. Did you see how many times the Warriors got their shit packed down low? Now, imagine a stretch 7 footer pulling all the bigs out from under the basket....

Don't compare this to Jeter bullshit.

Why do you think it was a goaltend? I'm a Warriors fan and even I could see that it was clean. It most definitely had not hit the backboard yet, and it was not on its way down.

Haha I wasn’t trying to kill your buzz! I was genuinely curious. I wouldn't put it past JR to stroll into the opponent's locker room with a victory cigar lit, not matter how unrealistic that scenario may seem.

In the GSW locker room or the visiting locker room?

Get. Out.

The worst thing you did was forget that Tony Gwynn was a better hitter than Ichiro.

If it's not the Milford Mighty Mites, just chop my dick off right now.


Ooh, ouch. Such hurtful words. I'm sorry I stepped on your joke and hurt our feelings, but it's funny you call me the dumb one when you can't comprehend the difference between "hitting" and "pushing." Yes, they're both forms of abuse. No, they're not the same thing.

Please see other replies. I got the joke. It doesn't make sense if you know the facts of the case.

Low hanging, rotted apple growing off of a cherry tree. Normally, the top comments on this site are clever jokes that make sense.

I get that part. But he didn't hit anyone...

I do know. But that dispute did not involve hitting.

Yes, this helps. I knew the joke he was trying to make, but it doesn't work because he didn't "hit" anyone. He choked, pushed, and shot at.

Trying really hard to understand this, and coming up empty.

In reference to DeMarre Carroll, I think you're underestimating the value of good defense.

The Harrison Barnes Conundrum. On paper, his measurements look nice. 6'8", 225 pounds. But what people don’t account for is that he holds at least an inch of that height in his neck, and potentially another inch in his long head. This is, of course, the opposite of the Elton Brand Conundrum, where he was thought to be