
“It was not Miu Miu’s intent in any way to make any political or religious statement”

Fuck you for unwittingly starting the trend of naming kids “Wokebae.”

The human pedobear.

This right here is why I love reading The Root. And also why I hate reading The Root. We need to know about these things. But damn is this depressing. We all know this kind of thing happens, so it’s no surprise, but it’s still depressing as hell.

....if Sage Steele truly believes that all of the current NFL quarterbacks are better than Colin Kaepernick then I question her abilities as a sports journalist.

Insurance companies could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave. and America still won’t dump them for single payer. Of course Insurance companies have killed way more people than that.

Lol what possible purpose could there be for even manufacturing an envelope with a window that large? You might as well slap a stamp right above the letter head and send your mail naked through the system.

You don’t see why that is statistically unlikely? That you’d be connected to anyone out of 1,400 completely random people in the United States is basically impossible, especially when you factor in the fact that this connection would have only been known to you in the past year.

Because most racist fucks are of average intelligence and raised by other racist fucks. They believe everything they’re told by all racist fucks because choosing to take the initiative to educate themselves is far scarier than choosing to remain ignorant. I’d choose scary and learning over complacent and ignorant any

I’ve just started taking them at their word: they aren’t stupid. That leaves only one choice: they hate you and want to hurt you. That’s why they love that flag, and that’s why they voted for Trump.

Found the confederate shitheel.

The rebel flag is a magical shield that allows racists to openly display their racism without having to actually admit it.

For the same reason they consider reporting Trump’s actual words and actions “fake news.” If it’s inconvenient, it doesn’t exist, and anyone who acknowledges reality is an SJW snowflake cuck.

Because there is a key difference between a reason and an excuse. The reason he flies the rebel flag and says, “coon?” He’s a racist. The excuses he gives are that it’s history and that he made a mistake.

B/c they live in comfortable little bubbles that are often out of touch with much to most of the rest of the world. They are so culturally stunted that they don’t know anything else.... or just refuse to acknowledge it.

Why is it that “muh history” racist fucks are totally ignorant of history?

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Daaamn! Who’s teaching white women to fight these days? That shit was brutal.

I got over this issue when I was a kid. It isn’t that big a deal growing up, even when my first name happens to rhyhme with “molestor” or when my last name could be easily corrupted to “Penis Colada” because I’m latin and Pina Coladas are a latin-theme cocktail, I guess, and kids loved teasing me with it.