
While Mars hasn’t happened yet

The facade is over. He’s a fucking carnival barker who was born into wealth and lucked into more. He merits attention not because he has anything brilliant to say, but because he believes himself to be brilliant and will act on that belief in unpredictable and potentially destructive ways.

This is what happens when you become ultra wealthy, surround yourself with cult followers and yes men, and emotionally/mentally detached from the real world, not thata he ever had a firm grip to begin with.

Dear Tesla Stans, know that when you buy your cellphones on wheels, you are supporting a right-wing maniac who has zero self-awareness.

I do not guide my posts by what is financially beneficial but what I believe is interesting or important or entertaining to the public.

Musk is a fucking POS, and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money by buying a tesla.

Remember when everyone felt so sorry for Aaron Rodgers because he was estranged from his family?

The golden globes could learn something from the NFL and use parabolic microphones. 

I am so over her. Friends with Mel Gibson. Works with Roman P, Woody...any other child molesters out there she can sign up with?

Is Hilaria Baldwin still pretending to be from Spain and not fluent in English?

Man, Azealia Banks is such a tragedy. She has massive amounts of talent and could have been a superstar if she wasn’t such a dumpster fire of a human being.

Yeah, that was my thought, too. Not only does it not sound like K-Fed but it also doesn’t sound like an American speaker. Wouldn’t most American’s say something like, “I’m afraid she’s on meth” or “Whenever the phone rings, I’m worried that there will be bad news”?

I will never forget how Billy Crudup left Mary Louise Parker when she was 7 months pregnant. I hope he’s a better person now, but I’ll never like him.

I can’t stand anti-vaxxers. They’re always “just asking questions” but not actually asking the people who can (and would probably be very happy to) answer them. During lockdown, I was reading articles about potential COVID vaccines, their development, the science, etc. The information is out there, which shows that

His campaign is pure vanity and doomed from the start.

But she said it’s “not a threat”!  That’s the “no homo” of insurrection!

My favorite part of that photo is the absolute trash quality chandelier and wall sconce that someone picked up at the discount bin at the Dollar Store.

I have a message tonight for Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith, and Joe Biden.

You don’t wear white to a wedding so that you don’t upstage the bride. That was not an issue at this wedding, obviously. Case closed.

I’ve arrived with the sauce, per