So everything will be packaged in baby blue and cost 25% more, right?
So everything will be packaged in baby blue and cost 25% more, right?
Now, see Yesha. I was only *thinking* about how fucked up her eyebrows are. I would never have said anything.
The park is called Puy du Fou, not “Guy”.
I just bought one! (link at Maiysha’s post)
Thanks for coming thru! I was just about to ask “Where can I get one?!”
This is infuriating. Not sure who to be madder at: the ignorant author, or Marie Claire’s dumb asses for publishing. When I saw the photo, my first thought was “Josephine Baker + Pat McGrath x Galliano” - and I lived in Echo Park in the late ‘80s & in SF’s Mission since ‘93, so...I am no stranger to chola culture.
Whatever happened to only eating oysters in months with an “r”?
The early Missy/Hype collaboration videos were amazing and should have been long recognized as such by MTV.
A mother fucker follows me to my home? I’m sorry, but that calls for an ass beating. If I need to go to county, so be it.
That photo of the little boy hugging the Black Panther, tho.
Ashley, you’re the best. Thank you!
Fuck this creep. What the hell? Why feed the innuendo and speculation, if not only for selfish self-promoting reasons?
The discrepancy represents third party and write-in votes. But I suspect that if there were a survey today of those who voted for neither Clinton nor Dump you would be proved right...the number who don’t want the Orange Menace would be an even higher.
Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve been on this site since 2007. I’m not grey on other blogs (The Root, Lifehacker, etc.) They just seem to be unorganized assholes round these parts. It may be why so many loooonnng time commenters have moved on.
Hey, Hannah. Could you pull me out of the greys? Gracias!
This reminds me of Sommore’s stand-up bit where she say’s Latinos are just “niggas with good hair.”
A few generations ago, California was Mexico!
Frida, why am I gray after 11 years? Can you fix that? Thanks.