
In chicago, I used to live off the Sheridan Red Line. I would take the train daily at 6:30 am and it was usually just a casual but bleak ride. However, there was one morning I will never forget. I got into the train with my gf at the time, and immediately smelled something rank. Sure enough once I get settled, I

The slapshot was great. The pass preceding it was brilliant.

“...but as we’ve seen time and again with Mourinho, his approach tends to wear thin sooner than rather than later.”
Real Madrid only, before this. Porto didn’t want him to leave, Inter can’t wait to get him back, and Chelsea begged for his return ever since he left.

“Klopp has proven himself by winning despite huge

I remember in the 80’s when my dad’s car had an ashtray in every car door. I used to stick my gum in the same one, until it I had essentially sealed it shut. It was nearly impossible to get out of there. It was also a lot easier to hit your kids in the 80’s.

Well, most quarterbacks performed better on single drives than Clausen did under Fox. In fact, Cutler’s first drive back from injury produced more passing yards and touchdowns than Clausen’s entire start.

I’m sticking to eating nothing but Red Vines, which contain surprisingly few ingredients.

Never try to come between a man and his meat.

What did you Google to find this picture?

This changes nothing

Wish I didn’t read this just after I sat down and ordered a chicken fried steak for lunch hahahahajk its gonna be awesome im ordering bacon for dessert

Nakhid-Sexwale is my pick for President and Veep 2015!

My buddies and I broke out a Ouija board one night. We sat around it with our fingertips touching the cursor thing for about 10 minutes while nothing happened because none of us moved it.

“Yeah, see, here’s your problem: these teams fucking suck.”

As soon as their QB guru head coach, who molded Andrew Luck in college, salvaged Alex Smith, and keeps the Michigan QBs conscious, gets shoved out the door, their QB turns into Chuck Knoblauch? Ya don’t say!

A punt has too many moving parts so he recommends a play-action Hail Mary pass?

Well had Hoke been coaching, Michigan would have been down 21 points and would have had no choice but to go for I guess he’s right?

So, one of your constant, ongoing beefs with MLS is that it’s a league of mediocre talent and over-the-hill stars looking for one last payday (which is true), but as soon as they acquire a truly gifted player in his prime, your answer is... send him back? Jesus, Billy, you’re so far up your own ass with this MLS hate

god you are just the worst fucking writer on this site, billy

I was at the game last night. I’ll be honest and say I had my camera out and ready to record...but then I put it back into my pocket because I wanted to experience the moment through my own eyes. I also hugged and high fived complete strangers! I’ll never forget that moment. The 7-hour drive from New Jersey was worth

Can’t people just... you know... watch the game?