Buzz Aldrin

The Harley Davidson of the seas

Agreed, we definitely haven't passed the filter yet. With climate change and a permanent layer of plastic making its way into the fossil record, it is likely that there are still plenty of species-ending catastrophes ready to wipe us off the map.

Shocked there wasn’t a reference to the Kim case in this article. I remember it being covered so extensively here that I misremembered him being a Gizmodo employee, and not a CNET employee like he actually was. RIP

If extraterrestrial intelligent life does exist, it seems kinda cruel to be a Christian. Think about it. These venusians are living their lives, then dying and going straight to hell because they didn’t have the opportunity to be “saved” by accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. What kind of god would create

God isn’t real. They don’t care if you use a big or little “g” to talk about them.

“Because I wanted an interesting car”

It’s actually kind of impressive how much of the grille area is used for taking in air, considering that most cars with massive grilles have an air inlet the size of a postage stamp.

This article feels halfway written. What do they do with the rest of the frog? How much do the legs cost? Are they sold by the pair or the pound (or kilo)? Did you try the frog legs? Has the proprietor of this business ever considered changing their name to Doc Hopper?

I don’t live in NY, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen their light rail system featured in some of those Spider-Man talkies. Is there a train or something he could be taking instead?

Fancy that. I used to live in Vancouver and Portland was the exact city I had in mind. The real life game of Frogger you are describing is because cars stole your right to free movement. You should be able to cross the street without risk of getting arrested or splattered across the asphalt. If everyone is already

Cities are where people live, not cars. Ever wanted to cross the street to visit a shop that looked interesting? Did you have to go out of your way to find an “authorized” crossing, or did you break the law and “jaywalk?

It’s a public space that the general public isn't allowed to use. Cars stole it from us.

The transfusions of child blood keep him young at heart and mind.

Poltroon is nice, but I’d rather he be a pontoon. That is to say, I want to park a boat on top of him.

Man, I wish Minis were cheap. You can get a new Mini for $3-5k pretty easily, but if you want a classic expect to pay at least $10,000

Fuck no they aren’t gonna get a payout. An innocent person dies and a few other innocents are stuck with hospital bills now. Regular, everyday citizens. It is sickening.

“is it available” is the default message that FB prompts you with when making an inquiry. Why put more effort into an opening message as a buyer when there are even odds that the item *isn't* available and the seller was just too lazy to delete the ad.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’m kind of over the whole “Nazi sightseeing” tours. Like yeah, it is important history and it shouldn’t be tucked away, but I don’t know if you’ve seen the news lately; the Nazis are back and bigger than ever. Do we really need to be signal boosting their vacation compounds?

Well, my kid brother just picked up this CVPI as a winter commuter. It’s a good thing he already has a girlfriend.

I think I’d rather have a Volvo Cannondale