When a man is being a dick he is called a dick. Should I call a woman a dick when she’s being a cunt?
When a man is being a dick he is called a dick. Should I call a woman a dick when she’s being a cunt?
Yup. Sounds about right. They’d probably throw in “they’re all going to hell” just for good measure.
A simple minded fervently religious adult actually.
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner folks. To be fair, the Christians and the Jews are just as bad. It astounds me how arrogant religion can be. People honestly believe that some omnipotent being created the universe just for us.
Nothing quite like religious freedom is there? Why bother using reason, logic and science when all you need to know is what written thousands of years ago by people who insisted the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth.
Probably uses Miracle Whip. That shit is disgusting. Just like him!
If you plan to vote with your vagina, please down a proper wipe down of the booth with some sanitizer afterward okay?
Wonderful. The fashion world has co-opted a rape survivor to sell their wears. A big leap forward for women’s rights.
So what is it Jez? Outraged because some fucking fashion designer fat shamed a model but at the same time you’re pushing wedding gowns from China to make all your bridal dreams come true. Are you for the cause or not? It’s either yes or no. You can’t change your mind to suit the situation. A woman’s prerogative to…
No, no, no, no! You cannot cry rape and fail to show. Fuck the I am afraid. You started. Finish it. I’ll get a lot of blow back for this. Don’t care. Big fucking picture people. Stop fucking wasting time and resources. If you were raped by this douchenozzle fucking stand up. Women are claiming it’s intimidating and…
So you are against killing them but realize they live in their natural habitat and think that encroachment is tough breaks. Moron.
Leave it to Paris fucking Hilton to be annoyed by creatures that naturally inhabit the area. How dare those coyotes. The nerve!
I believe that this is akin to opening the Seventh Seal. It simply must not happen.
Justin Bieber Says He’s ‘Not a Robot,’ But Should We Beliebe Him?
I don’t get your situation but when I was younger and in shape it was ‘normal’ to get groped at whatever gay bar I was drinking at. Men really are pigs and not so evolved. If I were 29 again I might not put up with it. But then again if he was hot, I might. It’s fucked up I know. The difference? Women are whores, men…
Congratulations Amber, you ‘win’.
Got hammered one night and went to the tubs. Got checked in and the attendant said he had to get more towels. While he was gone I hurled all over the lobby. Everywhere. Chucked my key into the ashtray and got the fuck out.
I don’t understand how these fucks can keep their jobs? Ignorant, racist, stupid fuck. Sorry my first choice of story here today. Not a good one.
Ballerinas work hard. In the process to achieve they push their bodies as hard as any athlete. If they’re lucky they become a prima. If they’re really lucky they can perform till they’re 35. Kendall gets handed a gig paying more than most dancers see in 2 years. To be fair, she was told what to do. Fuck the people at…
If someone is handing out tabs of E, please let me know ok?