
If TB was sexually transmitted, many more would have died. Morality would have ensured it.

Um what? Gay men and drug addicts were dying in droves and very few in power cared until the late 90's. I lost at least 30 friends/acquaintances during the late 80's early 90's. The mid to late 90's was when things started to turn around. The gay community, along with influential people (Liz Taylor is one shining

Anecdotal but a (now deceased) friend of mine was a nurse in the 70's. He told me of medical conferences he attended throughout the decade. The medical community was very aware that something was amiss in the early 70's but they didnt have enough data to connect the dots. By the time they did, the epidemic was upon us.

If Trump played fair I’d agree. But he hasn’t. Fuck him and his stupid, narrow and simple minded followers.

While I agree, fuck it. Trump has been nothing more than a misogynistic, racist 7 year old throughout. People have been beaten up, ridiculed and mocked because of him and his simple minded supporters. Fight fire with fire. Literally!

Is that what they’re called? I’m sure it’s some sort of traditional possibly biblical thing but those things are shitty. If you gave those out at Halloween, most kids wouldn’t come back again.

You guys wanna make money? Sell Denton’s husband’s used underpants.

And Canada.

I live in Canada. Used to see his pamphlets on the subway all the time. Evangelicals would hand them out. Ugh. But of course I would read them. Pre internet so something to do on transit.

He’s a complete douchebag on air. No amount of manners off air makes up for it.

Billy Corgan?

Well she is an older woman so her cognitive functions aren’t what they used to be.

Big shoes to fill. Love her but his performance is hard to beat

Blasphemy! You must be a witch. Burn in hell. Frankenfurter or die!

America has had too much of his bullshit. More importantly, the rest of the world has had enough of his bullshit. Many Americans will disagree but the rest of the globe are done with the shit show. America has become a punchline. Fix it. Seriously.

So I totally read Cialis instead of Ciara. Way different perspective.

Good to know it wasn’t just me that thought that

We’ll see.

Can’t imagine she’ll even deal with this. Don’t get me wrong. Trump is a fucking nightmare.

Because you’re health care system is shit?