
Autistic/adhd. The worst part is that there is no time counter. Are we watching 24 minutes, 60 seconds, what??

I second this! I just saw these vids and I’m complaining too. I’m autistic/adhd. I literally CAN NOT.

me neither. i find I can’t pause them or rewind/ff either. not only is it inconvenient for everyone, some of us autistic people at times require supportive tech like rewind/ff in order to properly process auditory or visual info. Video in GENERAL is hard for me to process; with the inability to stop or move thru the

this is the most fucked up bullshit ive ever seen. I cant pause a video. Way to be helpful to the neurodivergent crowd who need to pause/rewind to process auditory info- fuck you jezebel.

fucking video bulshit

i thought jez was about feminism and a really good place for us to rant about our shared experience of sexism patriarchy and misogyny?? wtf happened? in the era of Roe V being overturned no less? 

HOLY SHIT THESE VIDEO PAGES DONT WORK PROPERLY. I literally can’t hit the pause button, or rewind. It’s OVER between us, Jezebel. Fuck off.

Name is in fact the primary, most important identifier.

isn’t implying being “just a typesetter” and not a journalist kind of classist though?

Not the only one but most efficient and commonly used one. Plenty of people may not have heard of the person’s oeuvre or biography so those identifiers may leave them at a loss. Therefore, if you want to further trans visibility, censoring the recognizeable (dead)name out will only work against you.

But activism circles have been obsessed with transwomen (despite the tiny percentage of the human population they make up) for so long that lesbian women ARE being ignored by them. How do you not see that as a problem?

yeah it’s aversion/repulsion/avoidance. I knew that for multiple decades now without consulting a dictionary.

Americans aren’t very smart. I can’t fucking take it anymore. Everyone is just.so.fucking.stupid.all.the.time. No wonder we’re “politicaly divided”. People are too dumb to use critical thinking skills or common

where i come from most people criticize all sorts of things about others including their eating habits and body type. can you explain where you live that criticizing how others eat makes you a “tremendous asshole”? You might be right but i’m not so sure that i’ve arrived at a world where even the majority hold your

what’s the evidence those views “see people getting hurt or killed” though

Decency for powerful white men, brutality and bootstraps for the rest of us.

ikr?! Social media is a bizarrely restrictive and joyless place.

But he’s built up such a high tolerance he can withstand any hubris level now.

ummmmmm but theyre women. which means, you know...they brought it on themselves.

/s for meaning

the irony is that the M&W sketch is actually a joke about how obviously theyre the bad ones but it’s easier to remain deluded because youre part of a group justifying its actions. None of these elements are at play in our Leftist online political torture fantasy.

most callous people arent sociopaths, but they reflexively repress their feelings as a result of a traumatic childhood where they were incapable of helping or protecting a sibling. they simply cant cope with the pain of others. sociopaths don’t care.

source: abusive childhood, a lot of therapy and degree in abnormal