
she never said she didnt like the work, she was attempting to- rightfully so- block YA literature as a whole from her college’s Common Read list when there was an attempt to introduce a Dressen book to it. I know Im a few years late but I think this bears adding the comment because this whole fiasco including its

this is a whole ‘nother issue with modern society. why would people turn to hoardes of complete strangers on twitter to cope with something to begin with? what ever happened to real-world, intersubjective experience? why do people rely on screens so much for emotional comfort? Why am I the only one who has never

right, she is listed as a teen author, a YA witer. Period. Nelson’s tweet was about her opposition to YA books being added to her college’s Common Read list.

it’s not self-righteous to call out red flag behaviors usually part of a pattern.

In her need for fan reassurance and emotional reinforcement, she went picking on someone without her resources. That’s the behavior of a bully.”

this needs to be said. as someone who was abused at home and bullied at school, it’s important for as many as possible to point this out so that it’s not just the few people

privileged wealthy white girls are horror shows inside. you can’t threaten their power.

No one is going to post the actual tweet or explain that Nelson had a simple opposition to YA literature on her university’s Common Read choices?

so “conservative white supremacists” just grew and grew? why are there more and more of them and nto less of them?


when do we finally do what’s sane and kill these people. tell me. when.

they really are obsessed with cities burning. i found that interesting


they want to obsess over our wombs in order to vilify the women’s body because it creates life and makes them feel like the useless, pathetic creatures they soooo obviously, absofuckinglutely are. so they refuse to see us and our bodies the way they *actually* are, ie imperfect and clumsy and mistake prone just like

this is interesting. i once had a biology college professor (originally from the south, then teaching in NYC) who told us that there is nothing in the Bible regarding the actual biology of the fetus so pro-lifers are just listening to leaders but there’s no source theology. So to take the one passage you mention here-

if by vote harder you mean actually run real candidates and maybe some of us even blow up shit/fascists, then yes, let’s vote harder. Before it gets worse. Anything to stop what they’re doing.

fuck the christofascists. when the Revolution comes, you can give the Nazis the Wall, but these christofascists are mine. All mine. In my basement.

it’s also why Feminism (yep, big F now, ladies, time to get real) is so deeply vilified and such a dangerous proposition in that culture- it’s a direct threat to the gross benefits they’re accustomed to.

Except by their husbands and fathers, who are as gods. Rapists are as gods, no? Amirite? Am I doing this right?

YOU REALLY THINK THAT’S POSSIBLE??? Really even with Newsom promising Cali will be a safe state? Im fukking enraged.

pennyroyal tea...it was once a nostalgic old notion back in high school when nirvana sang about it. now it’s a serious matter. Who knew we’d go back so far...