
you remind me of those irritatingly supercilious, weak-minded, pompous, fake-tough, hypocritical right wing incels who conflate the Left with women, pretend to hate us but constantly spy on us from behind a wall, secretly envious, because you see us as the “caring mommy” you never had. Overtly you call us “pussies”

Also the difference is despite our *feelings* he was never in any remote kind of danger of not receiving the VERY BEST treatment the country has to offer. Whereas, YOUR feelings do in fact color policy, ie, the people that YOUR side hates DO in fact suffer actual, real world consequences every time Trump rebuilds the

And these guys always call for pity and sympathy for someone we’ve been screaming ‘fascist!” over for years now and you conveniently have ignored our cries. Now, you want to listen to us? Why pick and choose?

tell us why callousness to a fascist is worse than callousness to entire peoples?

i dont see whats wrong withthat type of voice, it’s the best. no one else can sing anymore..i don’t get the thing they do on american idol, that r&b high note thing- it makes me want to scratch my ears off

those who lack a backbone, or brains. theyve always been around.

they number in the millions.

I’ve never understod that sentiment. Why should politics be this obscure, dense, complex field that only dusty old white men or nowadays, dry academicians are allowed to opine in?

mine too! discovered a few new bands on there back then

Does no one remember Roy Rogers?

Umm pretty sure that Columbus’ arrival did not create a mass murder of all American natives. Most of the deaths from unintended were from exposure to fatal disease. Why kill your own slaves? Why does Columbus bear the brunt of the entire genocide when literally hundreds of Spanish explorers and conquistadors arrived

God you’re just *such* a rebel. 

People like you embody precisely everything that has went wrong with our society.

So let me get this straight: we’re not allowed to “culturally appropriate” but we’re also not allowed to “fawn over” our own history? What ARE we allowed to have anymore that is PC? Please, tell us- we’re waiting.

What are you talking about? One is October and the other in February?

Sure nazis exist- SHOCKING!! But exactly how bad do you feel for the long-dead people who were abused historically in long voyages, prisons, homes, kitchens? Why only slaves?

Suspicious...and weird. Just weird.

You really don’t have a respect for cultures do you? More virtue signalling. Good for you, it got you a lucrative job at Gawker! ....hashtag sarcasm

you’re revolting on numerous levels. 

Oops I mean placenta previa not preeclampsia.

Thanks! Yeah I mean it’s such an alien concept to me that people would willingly do something so dangerous because they feel society obligates them to do it even though it’s not necessary and there are no negative repercussions to not doing it.

I watched my mom almost bleed out in front me at home pregnant with my

“WHY DIDN’T THEY STOP HITLER OMG” about in history class. I’d rather go down fighting so at least I can say I tried.

this has been my mantra lately. Always.