
you can’t even type in proper sentence structure, yet you think I should listen to you on the law in another country?

Uh huh...you’d report people who were trying to let you know of child porn on your platform. Then you’re an asshole, too.

Yeah, won’t matter. The people who believe every word Trump says basically are immune to facts and reason and independent thought.

Is it tiring having to couch every fucking thing in terms of liberals vs conservatives?

Right, all that shit is cool, but Jimmy Butler is still way way better than a draft day gamble and Jae fucking Crowder

Not for me. If anything the workforce has only pushed me to the left. That will happen when you realize your CEO is incompetent, but still makes 400x as much money as you do because he has nice hair.

Except it’s literally not. It’s exchanged as bits and bytes and never becomes physical capital. It is traded on high volume deals in a world in which we have no access. It makes no couches, buys no food. It’s taking the concept of fiat currency to the ultimate end-goal: an agreed upon series of numbers that only the

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this article isn’t about you.

The family has set up a website... that encourages other fans to share similar memories.

I have actually tried that and most Google results are pro-Milo, or don’t provide actual quotations of what he’s said. “Just Google it” is not a response that’s always going to work in your favor.

Or you could just use google

Really this should be retitled: “How to use zip ties as more or less intended, make your shit look cheap, and make stupid versions of extremely cheap things”.

Or “How to Use a Zip Tie to Link to Another Article”

Oh that’s a good one, I was gonna go with Aunt Barbru

Comcast plant! Don’t troll me!

3. Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack

The Gang Buys a Boat, Gay Marriage, and Country Mack should be in the top ten. The Gang Desperately Tries to win an Award is Top Five, so is the Welfare episode. This list is filled with bad decisions.

Chardee MacDennis isn’t top 5?!

So fitting! Did you post this gif after the Orlando nightclub shooting too?