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Walter White was such an idealist

When in doubt

Someone in the thread above said he got fired right after Kate had the sextuplets. I have no clue

I get that hes kind of a deadbeat, but doesnt part of that stem from having his private life ruined by appearing on television? He’s a bad guy for not wanting the same for his children? You’re telling me that being on TV is literally the only way that family can survive? I don’t think that’s the case.

I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?

You can multiply this settlement by 56 and it’s still not as much as Gawker owes Hulk Hogan.


Perhaps she knew in order to get back the Stark bannermen she had to get rid of as many wildlings as possible. Sansa is no longer sweet or innocent. She’s been surrounded by the worst of the worst ever since leaving Winterfell.

Why should Bernie concede?

I am going to argue that Hakan Çalhanoğlu is the king of the free kick.

I mean, there are other issues...

This is a bad comment for a few reasons:

I voted for Feingold in 2010 and Baldwin in 2012. You can’t champion future progressivism and tell me to vote for Hillary because “The other guy’s worse”. I’ve voted for progressives. She’s not a progressive. She can’t tell a coal worker that the industry he works in is obsolete without completely contradicting

I wasn’t clear in my post... I was talking about The Gift and The Curse and 2.1

Their relationship made sense for both of them. Shawn’s career was getting stale, NAS was killing him and he needed a new angle (the two Blueprints sucked). Black Album. Beyonce needed more credibility beginning her solo career and got that. Everything since has been so calculated they don’t seem like real human


To keep it short, there are two reasons why Pep has been a failure.

You have a very negative attitude. The “passionate” base (which you’ve continuously been mocking) does not have to vote for any candidate, especially not a puppet candidate with no firm stances on issues. Instead of welcoming and listening to a very significant amount of the democratic voting base, you’re doing the