50 shades of Jay

New reality show: Johnny Manziel, Dez Bryant, and a troop of Capuchin monkeys share a house together.

“No other SUV that can match” the fuel economy because there is no other SUV that size.

Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.

I have a theory that Jon Snow is actually Syrio Forel who is actually Daenery’s.

Don’t believe it? Well when was the last time the 3 of them were in a room together?

I rest my case.

In what terrible, oppressive theocracy are you imprisoned that bars AREN’T open until 4am? Can women drive there?

Chicago. What godawful third-world backwater hellhole do you live in that they’re not?

All of these commenters asking how he made the video camera and downplaying how cool this is because he “already has 21st century knowledge” are even worse than highlight truthers. This is a hobby of his that he chooses to share and it’s incredible what he’s able to accomplish - Enjoy it for what it is and stop living

I once made a fort out of empty beer cans.

“Yeah, well that shit is easy when you don’t have to battle dinosaurs.”

I went through this phase in college. Only thing I ever made though was bongs.

a good, unique beef.

I think this dude and La Russa are literally the only two people that care about this.

The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge

Mine eyes have seen the glory and the coming of the Lord... *weeps*

1. Tongs

Remove “this.”

So what’s different?

I think this Deadcast is bad.

Tongs. There are high-end restarants that make their entire menus using a knife and tongs.

“Nevertheless, it’s a rule of life that all despots attract lackeys, and the Masters attracts more than most. The way the bootlickers carry on about the sacrosanct nature of the tournament, and seem to get such a perverse delight at the innocents who run afoul of the honor code, is enough to make you want to retch.”